01.09.2014, 12:23
Last edited by Battlezone; 25/08/2015 at 10:55 AM.
Reason: Added description.
{This tutorial is released for the first time, under many users requests enjoy}
**Hello, this is the first tutorial on samp forums that will show you how to make a zone capture system with team assist, not only team assist, but the more team mates are helping you, the less time the capture takes! .
The system is really simple & optimized, we're going to use a timer, a progress bar (optional), checkpoints, some loops and some variables.
/!\ : The reason why i used loops is that it makes the stuff easy to handle when you are making over 30 capturable zones.
Step 1:
We are going to use these following includes,
Step 2:
Step 3:
Now we're going to create a pickup, checkpoint and a gang zone for each capturable zone under OnGameModeInit
We also have to use this loop in order to avoid bugs on server start (always under OnGameModeInit)
Step 4: OnPlayerConnect & Disconnect
Under OnPlayerConnect, we create the capture progress bar:
And we add this loop for declaring player capture / assist state:
Under OnPlayerDisonnect, we check if the player is capturing/assisting, if he is, then we do this in order to make the zone capture fail:
Step 5: OnPlayerDeath
if the player dies while capturing/helping, he will be no longer doing it, so we will add this under OnPlayerDeath:
Step 7: OnPlayerEnterDynamicCheckpoint and OnPlayerLeaveDynamicCheckpoint
You will find some functions below that I did not explain in the tutorial yet, you will find them in the next steps.
When the player leaves the CP:
Step 8: Necessary Functions
These are the functions:
If the zone capture fails:
We're done now .
Adding zones will be very easy & fast now, this script is highly recommended for TDM scripts.
**Hello, this is the first tutorial on samp forums that will show you how to make a zone capture system with team assist, not only team assist, but the more team mates are helping you, the less time the capture takes! .
The system is really simple & optimized, we're going to use a timer, a progress bar (optional), checkpoints, some loops and some variables.
/!\ : The reason why i used loops is that it makes the stuff easy to handle when you are making over 30 capturable zones.
Step 1:
We are going to use these following includes,
#include <a_samp> #include <foreach> //foreach efficient loop #include <streamer> //for streaming checkpoints #include <playerprogress> //Player Progress Bar EDIT by Southclaw http://pastebin.com/shmadNqj
#define ZONE1 0 // 0 is the done id, each time you want to add a zone just do ZONE_NAME and the zone id after it #define ZONE2 1 #define MAX_ZONES 2 // 2 is the max number of zones, this step is obligatory new tCP[MAX_ZONES]; //a variable that will show us which team is controlling a zone new bool:UnderAttack[MAX_ZONES char ]; //a variable that will show us whether or not a zone is under attack (it returns only 2 values so we use a bool) new CP[MAX_ZONES]; //a variable that will get a checkpoint id new Zone[MAX_ZONES]; //a variable that will get a gang zone id new CountVar[MAX_ZONES]; //the capture time variable new ZUpdateTimer[MAX_ZONES]; //the repeating timer for the capture system new bool:IsPlayerCapturing[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_ZONES char ]; // a bool that checks the player capturing state new bool:IsPlayerHelping[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_ZONES char ]; // a bool that checks the player team capture assist state new PlayerBar:ZBar; // the capture progress bar new AttackingTeam[MAX_ZONES]; // a variable that will get the team id attacking a zone
Now we're going to create a pickup, checkpoint and a gang zone for each capturable zone under OnGameModeInit
Zone[ZONE1] = GangZoneCreate(648.395, 1825.354, 813.130, 1998.494); // the capturable zone gang zone CP[ZONE1] = CreateDynamicCP(710.0447,1959.1855,5.5391, 4.0, -1, -1, -1, 4.0); // the czone CP CreatePickup(1314, 1, 710.0447,1959.1855,5.5391, -1); // an optional pickup that has the same coordinates as the capturable zone checkpoint Zone[ZONE2] = GangZoneCreate(770.357910, 1575.174072, 834.357910, 1743.174072); CP[ZONE2] = CreateDynamicCP(801.9143,1671.0134,5.2813, 4.0, -1, -1, -1, 4.0); CreatePickup(1314, 1, 801.9143,1671.0134,5.2813, -1); // pickup
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_ZONES; i++) // looping all zones { AttackingTeam[i] = TEAM_NOTHING; // there is no team attacking any zone at the server start, which logically sets its value to TEAM_NOTHING (If you don't add this line bugs may occur) CountVar[i] = 25; //The zone timer in seconds (not in ms!!) tCP[i] = TEAM_NOTHING; // none of the zones is captured by a team, which logically sets its value to TEAM_NOTHING (If you don't add this line bugs may occur) UnderAttack{ i } = false; // none of the zones is under attack, which logically sets its value to false (If you don't add this line bugs may occur) }
Under OnPlayerConnect, we create the capture progress bar:
ZBar = CreatePlayerProgressBar(playerid, 38.00, 435.00, 97.50, 4.19, -16776961, 25.0); //check the progress bar include edit by southclaw (the original include doesn't have the same native [CreateProgressBar])
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_ZONES; ++i) // looping through all zones { IsPlayerCapturing[playerid]{ i } = false; //player is not capturing on connect IsPlayerHelping[playerid]{ i } = false; //player is not helping on connect ShowZone(i); //showing the capturable zones for the player }
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_ZONES; ++i) // looping through all zones { if(IsPlayerCapturing[playerid]{ i }) LeavingZONE(playerid, i); //if the player left before finishing the capture of a zone, the zone capture will fail and call the zone leaving function if(IsPlayerHelping[playerid]{ i }) IsPlayerHelping[playerid]{ i } = false; //if the player left before finishing helping capture a zone, he will be no longer helping and the variable IsPlayerHelping will be logically set to false }
if the player dies while capturing/helping, he will be no longer doing it, so we will add this under OnPlayerDeath:
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_ZONES; ++i) // looping through all zones { if(IsPlayerCapturing[playerid]{ i }) // if the player is capturing { //then LeavingZONE(playerid, i); // the player dies so logically he will be no longer capturing that zone. Thus, the zone leaving function is called if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) // (OPTIONAL) if the victim was capturing that zone, the killer will get extra score { SendClientMessage(killerid, COLOR_PINK, "[NOTICE]: You have prevented the enemy from capturing this zone, +1XP!"); //sending the bonus message to the killer SetPlayerScore(killerid, GetPlayerScore(killerid) +1); // setting the bonus for the killer } } if(IsPlayerHelping[playerid]{ i }) IsPlayerHelping[playerid]{ i } = false; // if there player dies while helping, he will be logically no longer helping so the IsPlayerHelping variable will be set to 0 }
Step 7: OnPlayerEnterDynamicCheckpoint and OnPlayerLeaveDynamicCheckpoint
You will find some functions below that I did not explain in the tutorial yet, you will find them in the next steps.
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid) { new LoopID = -1; //a new variable for an efficient CPs loop for(new i2 = 0; i2 < MAX_ZONES; ++i2) {if(checkpointid == CP[i2]) {LoopID = i2; break;}} if(LoopID != -1) { if(!UnderAttack{ LoopID }) // if the zone is not under attack { if(tCP[LoopID] != GetPlayerTeam(playerid)) ActiveZONE(playerid, LoopID); //this function starts the capture else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED,"[ERROR]: This zone is already captured by your team."); } return 1; } else //if the zone is under attack { if(AttackingTeam[LoopID] == GetPlayerTeam(playerid)) //if the player2 team is the same as the attacking team { if(!IsPlayerCapturing[playerid]{ LoopID }) //if he is not the capturer { ShowPlayerProgressBar(playerid, ZBar); //show the capture progress bar for him SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "[NOTICE]: You are helping your team to capture this zone."); IsPlayerHelping[playerid]{ LoopID } = true; //then the player is helping } } } } return 1; }
public OnPlayerLeaveDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid) { HidePlayerProgressBar(playerid, ZBar); //hide the progress bar for(new i = 0; i < MAX_ZONES; ++i) //looping through possible zones { if(IsPlayerCapturing[playerid]{ i }) LeavingZONE(playerid, i); //if the player is capturing any zone this makes the capture fail if(IsPlayerHelping[playerid]{ i }) //makes the capture assist fail { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[FAIL]: You are no longer helping to capture this zone."); //sending the capture help fail message IsPlayerHelping[playerid]{ i } = false; //the player is no longer helping } } return 1; }
These are the functions:
stock ShowZone(zoneid) //the function for showing zones { switch(tCP[zoneid]) //checking the team controlling a zone then applying the zone color, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE DEFINED YOUR TEAMS FIRST { case TEAM_NOTHING: GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[zoneid], -66); //if the zone is not captured by any team (white color) case TEAM_AFRICA: GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0xFF9900AA); case TEAM_AUSTRALIA: GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0x9400D3AA); case TEAM_AMERICA: GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0x0000BBAA); case TEAM_EUROPE: GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0x15FF0055); case TEAM_ASIA: GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0xFF000090); } }
stock ActiveZONE(playerid, zoneid) //the function for starting the zone capture { if(!UnderAttack{ zoneid }) //if the zone is not under attack { if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) //if the player is not in any vehicle { SetPlayerProgressBarValue(playerid, ZBar, 0); //setting the progress bar to its initial value UpdatePlayerProgressBar(playerid, ZBar); // updating the progress bar value AttackingTeam[zoneid] = GetPlayerTeam(playerid); // the player is attacking that zone, which means that his team is attacking it switch(PlayerInfo[playerid][Vip]) // (OPTIONAL: Reducing capture timer if a player is VIP), if you want to add this, DO NOT FORGET TO ADD VIP VARIABLE { case 0: //VIP level 0 for non-vip players (normal ones) { ZUpdateTimer[zoneid] = SetTimerEx("ZUpdate", 1000, 1, "di", playerid, zoneid); // 1000 (a second) * 25 (25 seconds) = 25000 milliseconds = 25 seconds (logics) is the time set for normal players to capture a zone, ZUpdateTimer[zoneid] is the timer, "d" is for the playerid capturing that zone and "i" is for establishing the zoneid SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF,"| Stay in this checkpoint for 25 seconds to capture this zone. |"); //sending the capture message } case 1: //same as the previous but now the player vip level is 1, so he gets less capture time (20 seconds) check the equation below { ZUpdateTimer[zoneid] = SetTimerEx("ZUpdate", 800, 1, "di", playerid, zoneid); // 800*25 = 20000 milliseconds = 20 seconds SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF,"| Stay in this checkpoint for 20 seconds to capture this zone. |"); } case 2: //the more vip level is, the less time the capture takes to end, and it goes on.. { ZUpdateTimer[zoneid] = SetTimerEx("ZUpdate", 600, 1, "di", playerid, zoneid); // 600*25 = 15000 milliseconds = 15 seconds SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF,"| Stay in this checkpoint for 15 seconds to capture this zone. |"); } case 3: // same thing { ZUpdateTimer[zoneid] = SetTimerEx("ZUpdate", 400, 1, "di", playerid, zoneid); // 400*25 = 10000 milliseconds = 10 seconds SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF,"| Stay in this checkpoint for 10 seconds to capture this zone. |"); } } CountVar[zoneid] = 25; //the standard count variable UnderAttack{ zoneid } = true; //the zone is now under attack IsPlayerCapturing[playerid]{ zoneid } = true; //the player is now capturing switch(GetPlayerTeam(playerid)) //flashing the zone according to the player team color { case TEAM_AFRICA: GangZoneFlashForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0xFF9900AA); //AGAIN DO NOT FORGET TO DEFINE YOUR TEAMS, this will flash the zone in orange color if the player is in african team case TEAM_AUSTRALIA: GangZoneFlashForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0x9400D3AA); case TEAM_AMERICA: GangZoneFlashForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0x0000BBAA); case TEAM_EUROPE: GangZoneFlashForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0x15FF0055); case TEAM_ASIA: GangZoneFlashForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0xFF000090); } switch(tCP[zoneid]) //getting the team which was controlling that zone (team none is involved as well) { case TEAM_AFRICA: SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"This flag is controlled by {FFAF00}AFRICA"); //sending the zone previous info related to the team which was holding it to the player case TEAM_AUSTRALIA: SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"This flag is controlled by {B700FF}AUSTRALIA"); //same case TEAM_AMERICA: SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"This flag is controlled by {0049FF}AMERICA"); //same case TEAM_EUROPE: SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"This flag is controlled by {6EF83C}EUROPE"); //same case TEAM_ASIA: SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"This flag is controlled by {F81414}ASIA"); // same case TEAM_NOTHING: SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"This flag is not controlled by any team!"); // same } }else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED,"[ERROR]: You cannot capture while in a vehicle!"); //let's get back to IsPlayerInAnyVehicle, if it is true, then the player gets this message and he can't capture }else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED,"[WARNING]: This zone is already being taken over!"); //let's get back to UnderAttack[zoneid], if it is true, then the player gets this message and he can't capture return 1; }
stock ZONECaptured(playerid, zoneid) //the function that results after a zone is a successfully captured { // when the zone is captures --> UnderAttack{ zoneid } = false; // it is no longer under attack KillTimer(ZUpdateTimer[zoneid]); // the capture timer ends SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid)+5); //the player gets score (5 here in this example) GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 1000); // the player gets some pennies $$ new strr[200]; // a new variable you will use later for sending success message format(strr, sizeof(strr), "[SUCCESS]: You have captured %s! You received +5XP & +$1000.", ZName(zoneid)); //formatting the success message : %s refers to the zone name identified by ZName(zoneid) (check this function in the other part of my tutorial) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, strr); // sending the success message IsPlayerCapturing[playerid]{ zoneid } = false; //the player "playerid" is no longer capturing the zone "zoneid" and the reason for which I used { } for zoneid is new bool:IsPlayerCapturing[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_ZONES char ] that I used char for MAX_ZONES to optimize the code, check its explanation on samp forums! AttackingTeam[zoneid] = TEAM_NOTHING; // there is no team attacking that zone //========================================================================== foreach (new i : Player) // looping through all players { if(tCP[zoneid] == GetPlayerTeam(i)) //looping through the players which are in the team that lost the zone (but the zone is now captured by another team! why tCP[zoneid] == GetPlayerTeam(i) ??) : simply because I did not set tCP[zoneid] for the new team, it is still set for the old one and will be set just after this part { SetPlayerScore(i, GetPlayerScore(i)-1); // giving -1 score for the team which lost that zone new str[110]; //creating a new string for a client message format( str, sizeof(str), "[NOTICE]: Your team has lost {FFAF00}%s, {F81414}-1XP", ZName(zoneid)); // ZName Already explained; formatting the zone loss message for the team which lost that zone SendClientMessage(i, 0xFFFFFFFF, str); // sending the message } if(GetPlayerTeam(i) == GetPlayerTeam(playerid)) //looping through the players which are in the same team as the player who captured the zone { SetPlayerScore(i, GetPlayerScore(i)+1); //giving all of them 1 score if(i != playerid) //making sure that that any player from the same team does not have the same id as the one who captured it so that he doesn't get the capture success message twice! { new str[110]; //creating a new string format( str, sizeof(str), "[NOTICE]: Your team has captured {FFAF00}%s, {6EF83C}+1XP", ZName(zoneid)); // Already explained SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN, str); //sending the notice to the rest of the team mates } } if(IsPlayerHelping[i]{ zoneid }) //looping through the player(s) who helped in the capture { SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREEN,"[NOTICE]: You have helped capturing this area! You received +3 XP for it!"); //sending him/them the capture success message SetPlayerScore(i, GetPlayerScore(i)+3); //setting his/their score to [score]+3 IsPlayerHelping[i]{ zoneid } = false; // he/they is/are not helping capturing the zone anymore HidePlayerProgressBar(i, ZBar); //hiding the capture bar (progress bar) as the capture has finished } } //========================================================================== tCP[zoneid] = GetPlayerTeam(playerid); //the zone is now controlled by the new team! Then logically tCP[zoneid] will be set for the new team which will be gotten by getting the player -who captured that zone- team (GetPlayerTeam(playerid)) GangZoneStopFlashForAll(Zone[zoneid]); //stopping the zone from getting flashed //========================================================================== switch(GetPlayerTeam(playerid)) //setting the new color defined by the new team for that zone (AGAIN AND AGAIN DO NOT FORGET TO DEFINE YOUR TEAMS) { case TEAM_AFRICA: GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0xFF9900AA); case TEAM_AUSTRALIA: GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0x9400D3AA); case TEAM_AMERICA: GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0x0000BBAA); case TEAM_EUROPE: GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0x15FF0055); case TEAM_ASIA: GangZoneShowForAll(Zone[zoneid], 0xFF000090); } HidePlayerProgressBar(playerid, ZBar); // Hiding the capture bar for the player who finished capturing return 1; }
stock ZName(zoneidd) // a function which will return the zone name { new zname[24]; // a new string for returning the zone name switch(zoneidd) // switching between the several zones ids in order to get the right one { case ZONE1: zname = "Zone 1"; // example, if the zone id is 1 (ZONE1), then it's name must be "Zone 1"! case ZONE2: zname = "Zone 2"; // same thing //..... } return zname; //returning the zone name string }
stock LeavingZONE(playerid, zoneid) { // If the player left the zone before finishing the capture no matter what the reason was = the capture fails, therefore --> HidePlayerProgressBar(playerid, ZBar); // the progress bar for the capture will be hidden AttackingTeam[zoneid] = TEAM_NOTHING; //Zone is not attacked by any team UnderAttack{ zoneid } = false; // The zone is no longer under attack KillTimer(ZUpdateTimer[zoneid]); //Killing the capture timer IsPlayerCapturing[playerid]{ zoneid } = false; //the player "playerid" is no longer attacking that zone "zoneid" CountVar[zoneid] = 25; //setting back the zone capture time standard value (25 seconds) foreach (new i : Player) //looping through all players to get the ones who were helping : They will be no longer helping (if they were) { if(IsPlayerHelping[i]{ zoneid }) //if the player was helping capturing that zone { IsPlayerHelping[i]{ zoneid } = false; //he will be no longer helping HidePlayerProgressBar(i, ZBar); //and the progress bar will be hidden for him } } GangZoneStopFlashForAll(Zone[zoneid]); //the zone stops from flashing as the capture failed and ended SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED,"[FAIL]: You have failed to capture this zone."); // the fail message is sent return 1; }
forward ZUpdate(playerid, zoneid); //the timer for the zone capture system public ZUpdate(playerid, zoneid) // it has to be public because it is a TIMER, orelse it won't work { if(CountVar[zoneid] > 0) //if the zone is still being captured (then logically the remaining time will be > 0 seconds right?) { CountVar[zoneid] --; // continue on decreasing the capture time by 1 second (1 second on each cycle of course) SetPlayerProgressBarValue(playerid, ZBar, 25 - CountVar[zoneid]); //increasing the progress bar value (25 - [a number that is descreasing under 25] = will become more and more higher right? till it become 25! UpdatePlayerProgressBar(playerid, ZBar); //updating the progress bar value foreach (new i : Player) // looping through all players { if(IsPlayerHelping[i]{ zoneid } == true) //if the player is helping { SetPlayerProgressBarValue(i, ZBar, 25 - CountVar[zoneid]); //setting the progress bar value for him (same logics as I explained in the previous lines) UpdatePlayerProgressBar(i, ZBar); // updating the progress bar value CountVar[zoneid] --; //haha, here comes the smartest part of the script, which I like the most, we said that the more players capturing a zone the less time its capture takes right? then as you can see for each helping player an extra 1 second will be taken from the capture time!!!!! } } } else if(CountVar[zoneid] == 0) // if the remaining capture time = 0, then the capture ended right? { ZONECaptured(playerid, zoneid); // the zone is captured, calling the function reserved for that! HidePlayerProgressBar(playerid, ZBar); // hiding the progress bar KillTimer(ZUpdateTimer[zoneid]); // killing the capture timer for that zone CountVar[zoneid] = 25; // resetting the capture time back to 25 seconds } //but this is not enough, sometimes, the Count Variable which indicates the remaining time (CountVar) can become negative for reasons I don't have time to explain here, so we have to check that too in order to avoid bugs!! (trust me it's tested and it's an obligatory check) else if(CountVar[zoneid] < 0) // if the remaining time went under 0 (became negative) then the zone must be captured, right? { ZONECaptured(playerid, zoneid); //same thing will be applied HidePlayerProgressBar(playerid, ZBar); // same thing will be applied KillTimer(ZUpdateTimer[zoneid]); //same thing will be applied CountVar[zoneid] = 25; // same thing will be applied } return 1; }
Adding zones will be very easy & fast now, this script is highly recommended for TDM scripts.