MySQL Load car not working

Hello, now i making car system, but now, when i wanna to load a car, which are in DB(DataBase), not loading, i am loading on 'OnGamemodeInit' callback, i try'ed to make loading on command, jus nothing happens, there go, code -

stock LoadPriVeh()
	new Query[1024], ID, Modeliukas, Owners, Spalvos1, Spalvos2, Pos[4], Nusipirkau;
	format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT * FROM `automobiliai` WHERE 'ID'");

 	if(mysql_num_rows() > 0)
		MasinosI[ID][Modelis] = Modeliukas;
		MasinosI[ID][Savininkass] = Owners;
		MasinosI[ID][Spalva1] = Spalvos1;
		MasinosI[ID][Spalva2] = Spalvos2;
		MasinosI[ID][x] = Pos[0];
		MasinosI[ID][y] = Pos[1];
		MasinosI[ID][z] = Pos[2];
		MasinosI[ID][a] = Pos[3];
		MasinosI[ID][Perkama] = Nusipirkau;
		new Masinukas = CreateVehicle(Modeliukas, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2], Pos[3], Spalvos1, Spalvos2, 500000);
		SetVehicleNumberPlate(Masinukas, "Cbb");
	return 1;

What's the point of this WHERE clause?

Also show us your mysql log. And one more note:
pawn Код:
if(mysql_num_rows() > 0)
This code is pointless. If there are no rows the while loop will simply not run.

Your problem is simply because you're not actually returning a vehicle id from the MySQL server. You've defined ID but not assigned any data.

So, everytime you're using ID the script is doing this:

pawn Код:
MasinosI[0][x] = Pos[0];
MasinosI[0][y] = Pos[1];
MasinosI[0][z] = Pos[2];
MasinosI[0][a] = Pos[3];
Instead of whatever ID the vehicle is. Select everything from the Cars database and make sure to assign ID a value in a loop. I'm using MySQL R33 for this example, you should really upgrade as it's way faster. You'll get the jist of it anyways:

pawn Код:
if(cache_num_rows() != 0) // Example of loading vehicles using MySQL R33. Forgot how R6 and under works.
        for(new i = 0; i != cache_num_rows(); i++)
            cache_get_field_content_int(i, "Value", MasinosI[i][Value]); // Fetching & Assigning Data
            cache_get_field_content_int(i, "Value", MasinosI[i][Value]); // Fetching & Assigning Data
            cache_get_field_content_int(i, "Value", MasinosI[i][Value]); // Fetching & Assigning Data
            cache_get_field_content_int(i, "Value", MasinosI[i][Value]); // Fetching & Assigning Data

            // Then go on to create the vehicle

Wow, how did no one notice yet that there's no query being actually sent?

Your query is incorrect lolol

Originally Posted by Vince
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Wow, how did no one notice yet that there's no query being actually sent?
I was under the assumption that the query was sent XD

Still, even if a query was sent it still wouldn't work as I previously pointed out

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