

Excuse me, if you do not understand what I mean. I have programmed zBomb filterscript. With this you can drop bombs. :P The script is secure. If a player dropped bomb and another dropped too, the earlier it is simply removed. The exception are the bomb in the vehicle.

Movie (do not wanted to translate the text. Compiling the film takes 1/2 hour):
zBomb by The_Ziomal (ziomal396)(ziom396)

/bombhelp - bomb script help
/nbomb [time] - $500 - normal - explosion after time.
/vbomb - $500 - vehicle - explosion on vehicle engine start.
/rbomb - $1000 - remote - explosion on /detonate command.
/rc_nbomb [time] - $1000 - RC vehicle - explosion after time.
/rc_abomb - $1000 - RC vehicle - explosion after press F.
/rc_vbomb - $1000 - RC vehicle - explosion on vehicle engine start.
/rc_rbomb - $1500 - RC vehicle - explosion on /detonate command.


If you have suggestion, or founded bug, write.

Looks awesome.

Will test it out.

stock Wait(time) //uf.inc
new stamp = tickcount();
while(tickcount() - stamp < time)
return 1;

dont use it... NEVER

if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 500)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xC41E3AAA, "You need $500 to buy a bomb.");
return 1;
actually best to write this way
if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 500) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xC41E3AAA, "You need $500 to buy a bomb.");

To wait, why not? Could it comes to you is that as I'll give it OnPlayerConnect, by the time the player will see longer Vinewood?

In contrast to GetPlayerMoney to the same scripts, so it will not change the action.

Is there a way to make one of the explosion bigger?
If it is posseble can you say which numbers i have to chanche?

if you want to pause thread you sholdn't use this func.... it's make server lags....
use TIS from XAOC... it can make new thread and xsleep in it

i made something like this for my server but with timer's etc so you cant make bomb after bomb but you should make the explosion a bit bigger would be cool do you no how to? if you want i can show an exsample but very good work as i never see many of these about

Originally Posted by [RD
Chez ]
if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 500)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xC41E3AAA, "You need $500 to buy a bomb.");
return 1;
actually best to write this way
if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 500) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xC41E3AAA, "You need $500 to buy a bomb.");
Doesn't that just make it look neater? I never knew that it actually makes it more efficient. Does it actually make it more efficient by using one line?

yes it does make it more officiant plus it looks a bit neater also

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