Using dates | MySQL with Pawn

Hello everyone.
I want a function like gettime and getdate of pawn, but using a value of a MySQL field, but I have no idea how to do this.
I use BlueG plugin and I did a test:
pawn Код:
YCMD:test(playerid, params[], help)
    if(Player[playerid][Level] < 3)
        return 0;
    new Query[64];
    mysql_format(ID, Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT Re_Date FROM Users WHERE PlayerName='Wil'");
    new Cache:result = mysql_query(ID, Query);
    ENME(playerid, -1, "%d", cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Re_Date", ID));
    cache_delete(result, ID_Conexion);
    return 1;
And it returned 2014, I think that it returns the year, but the content of that field has a date-time format.
So how can I create or use a function like this?
pawn Код:
cache_get_field_content_date(row, const field_name[], connectionHandle = 1, &year, &month, &day)
Or something similar
I think also that using UNIX Timestamp (or something like that), is very hard to use, because I want compare months, years, days, etc, like an integer, anyway it doesn't return UNIX Timestamp and if that could work, convert that to 6 integers I think that is a big problem :P for me...
Thanks if someone can help me

If you don't want to use Unix timestamps, you can also opt to use MySQL's DATETIME type. This allows for functions such as datediff.

Do the DATETIME in mysql format, and when loading it load it into a string and that's it!

Thanks! very helpful that page
I should learn and read more about MySQL

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