How to play GTA San Andreas Multiplayer on a Mac.

I will explain to you how you can play GTA SA-MP on a Mac. I'm using Mas OS X Mountain Lion so I don't know if it works on all versions but normally it should.

Step 1.
First of all you need to download Crossover. Crossover is a trial version of 14 days. You will have to buy it if you want to use it permanently, or you can do something else which I think I'm not allowed to tell you. Once you have downloaded this place the in you Applications folder.

Step 2.
Now you need to have the game. The best and easiest way to do this is to just copy you GTA San Andreas from your Windows pc to your Mac pc. You just have to paste the GTA San Andreas folder on you desktop, it's better to put it on your desktop because it will be easier to find it later. When you have done this you have to uninstall samp.exe first from that folder from your Mac. To uninstall samp.exe, open "SAMPUninstall.exe" with Crossover. This window will come up (be aware that this window could take some time to show up, also it will first search for the game but just have some patience it doesn't take long).

Go down and select "Other program" (it's under "Unsupported Applications"). When you have selected this just press "Install". The program will now uninstall samp. There will popup a 'windows' window, where you just have to press "Finish". The program will keep on going. When the installation, or here uninstallation is done press "Done". Now close Crossover.

Step 3.
Now you have to re download samp. Go to the samp official site and download the newest sa-mp client for windows (link). Save it on your desktop or your downloads folder it's not important. Now open the client with Crossover. The same window will come up as when we uninstalled this. Go down and select "Other program" again and press "Install". Again a 'windows' window will pop out. Press "I Agree" then you have to change the destination folder, press "Browse" and press the "+" next to "My Mac Desktop", just select your GTA San Andreas folder located on your desktop and press OK. Then again press "Install" on the 'windows' window. When he is done press "Finish". Then let Crossover do this job. Crossover wil now make a Mac application so you can run this on your Mac. When he is done a Mac window will pop out with a GTA San Andreas folder with "San Andreas Multiplayer" and "Uninstall", both Mac apps. (Also Crossover will still be open so just open this window and press "Done" and it will close) This folder is located in the Crossover app, so just copy the "San Andreas Multiplayer" app and put it on your desktop, otherwise you will have to search for it all the time. If you want to uninstall it then you can also place this .app on your desktop or anywhere u want to.

Step 4.
Double click on the "San Andreas Multiplayer" app. The standard window will come out like in Windows with your servers (be aware that all your favorites will be gone). Add SACNR to your favorites, fill in your name and just join the server and everything should be running like on Windows.

Proof that it works for me:

(There is no sound because I disable it for recording, but the sound works, also the lag is because of my internet connection)

Good job, but this has to be in Everything and Nothing section, but really, this should be stickied somewhere :O


Yeah, pretty nice tutorial, and a constructive first post!

I'll rep you since you really, really, really don't seem to mess around.

Very Useful for anyone with, mac rep+

Good tutorial! Because peoples always asks about this!

Does this work with the SA bought through the mac store?

Originally Posted by wrathmore
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Does this work with the SA bought through the mac store?
You'd probably need to downgrade to version 1.0 though.

Alright this tutorial was made by me and not by mitsos. I don't want him to get all the credit for things that I have been working on. I have no idea who you are mitsos, but copying exactly the same thread and pasting it here is certainly not cool of you, it's just pathetic. Nothing else to add here...

So it's possible... Very good job, I appreciate it.

Good but why would anyone buy a mac anyway?

Cool, I'll try this out and post the results in a bit.

Thanks just tried it, does work but its awfully laggy and unplayable

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