How did this rep system start?

Ok so if you need 50+ rep for it to count when you rep someone doesn't that mean that the first user Couldnt get any rep nor the second or third etc. Somewhere a long the line someone cheated rep in, right?

or it was configured over time.

The 50 posts minimum is a recent addition before you could rep someone as a 0 day acccount.

Even if you need 50+ the first guy could've got that many posts then start rep others.

Originally Posted by ron_tim
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Ok so if you need 50+ rep for it to count when you rep someone doesn't that mean that the first user Couldnt get any rep nor the second or third etc. Somewhere a long the line someone cheated rep in, right?
They most likely weren't here from the beginning... it must have been added as an addition after the forums got going.

The REP system is something Jochem suggested a year or two ago that got implemented, a while later they introduced the -REP system which was fucking awesome and hilarious but they removed it because the broom factory couldn't hold up with everyone's asses demanding one.

Seriously, I want it back. I loved seeing people with -100 try to talk shit.

Originally Posted by ron_tim
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Ok so if you need 50+ rep
You need 50+ POSTS, not rep, so everything it's logical and possible to do

Originally Posted by DiDok
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You need 50+ POSTS, not rep, so everything it's logical and possible to do
Seriously, I laugh when he wrote you need 50+ rep to give someone a rep. You need 50+ posts not rep buddy. They intoduce rep for the forum users that help other users. For example a guy came here without knowledge then he ask, someone with knowledge will answer then if the guy who ask reach his 50th posts he will give rep as return for the guy who helped. Some guys are begging for rep. You need rep to post server advertisement rep are mostly used there.

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