Remove lights with SetObjectMaterial

Hi guys,
I'm trying to remove lights of the object : 14776 with SetObjectMaterial but I didn't manage to find the material number.

I tried each, but some time, the object become completely dark, and some other time, there is no modification on any part of the object.
(For example :
ggarage = CreateObject(14776, 619.7891, -9.3125, 1006.4297, 0, 0, 270, 0.25);
SetObjectMaterial(ggarage, 5, 9362, "sfn_byofficeint", "CJ_WOOD5", 0);
-> I changed the material number 5, the object (the entire object (14776))
Other example :
If I do the same with materials number 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31
There are no modification, the object remain the same..



pawn Код:
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, light object here, position, position, position, radius);

Thank you for your response.

Lights are part of a bigger object : Number 14776
And I only want to remove the light, not the whole object.
That's why I tryied to use SetObjectMaterial.

I notice that it worked, SetObjectMaterial doesn't work with Rotation Z different of 0.
So instead of :
ggarage = CreateObject(14776, 619.7891, -9.3125, 1006.4297, 0, 0, 270, 0.25);
I wrote :
ggarage = CreateObject(14776, 619.7891, -9.3125, 1006.4297, 0, 0, 0, 0.25);
And the material number of the light is 23.
If someone knows if there is a solution to keep RotationZ to 270°, I'll be happy

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