29.10.2014, 20:37
Can i do Two database's to avoid the longests of this line ?
or someone can fix that ?
or someone can fix that ?
PHP код:
C:\Users\ZOFTer\Desktop\0.3Z server\gamemodes\NR-RP.pwn(25646) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Users\ZOFTer\Desktop\0.3Z server\gamemodes\NR-RP.pwn(47331) : error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)
C:\Users\ZOFTer\Desktop\0.3Z server\gamemodes\NR-RP.pwn(47332) : error 037: invalid string (possibly non-terminated string)
C:\Users\ZOFTer\Desktop\0.3Z server\gamemodes\NR-RP.pwn(47332) : error 017: undefined symbol "CREATE"
C:\Users\ZOFTer\Desktop\0.3Z server\gamemodes\NR-RP.pwn(47332) : error 017: undefined symbol "TABLE"
C:\Users\ZOFTer\Desktop\0.3Z server\gamemodes\NR-RP.pwn(47332) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
5 Errors.
PHP код:
public OnGameModeInit()
AccountDB = db_open("Accounts.db");
/* Line : 47331*/ db_query(AccountDB, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Accounts` (`Username` DEFAULT 0, `Password` DEFAULT 0, `Level` DEFAULT 0, `AdminLevel` DEFAULT 0, `Band` DEFAULT 0, `PermBand` DEFAULT 0, `Warnings` DEFAULT 0, `TruckerCooldown` DEFAULT 0, `Disabled` DEFAULT 0, `DonateRank` DEFAULT 0, `FactionBanned` DEFAULT 0, `LaserOwner` DEFAULT 0, `FCard` DEFAULT 0, `Inbuilding` DEFAULT 0, `BanAppealer` DEFAULT 0, `GangMod` DEFAULT 0, `buildingInterior` DEFAULT 0, `buildingExterior` DEFAULT 0, `cExtX` DEFAULT 0, `cExtY` DEFAULT 0, `cExtZ` DEFAULT 0, `cIntX` DEFAULT 0, `cIntY` DEFAULT 0, `cIntZ` DEFAULT 0, `FactionMod` DEFAULT 0, `UpgradePoints` DEFAULT 0, `Inmotel` DEFAULT 0, `motelInterior` DEFAULT 0, `motelExterior` DEFAULT 0, `mExtX` DEFAULT 0, `mExtY` DEFAULT 0, `mExtZ` DEFAULT 0, `mIntX` DEFAULT 0, `mIntY` DEFAULT 0, `mIntZ` DEFAULT 0, `ConnectedTime` DEFAULT 0, `dExtX` DEFAULT 0, `dExtY` DEFAULT 0, `dExtZ` DEFAULT 0, `dAngle` DEFAULT 0, `Registered` DEFAULT 0, `Sex` DEFAULT 0, `Developer` DEFAULT 0, `Mapper` DEFAULT 0, `Division` DEFAULT 0, `Tester` DEFAULT 0, `Age` DEFAULT 0, `RPBoost` DEFAULT 0, `Origin` DEFAULT 0, `ATMcard` DEFAULT 0, `GreenCard` DEFAULT 0, `SocialNumber` DEFAULT 0, `Muted` DEFAULT 0, `Respect` DEFAULT 0, `Money` DEFAULT 0, `ATMExterior` DEFAULT 0, `MAPBExterior` DEFAULT 0, `GSTATIONExterior` DEFAULT 0, `HSSignExterior` DEFAULT 0, `CasinoWinnings` DEFAULT 0, `Bank` DEFAULT 0, `Crimes` DEFAULT 0, `Accent` DEFAULT 0, `ATMID` DEFAULT 0, `Kills` DEFAULT 0, `Deaths` DEFAULT 0, `TrashSkill` DEFAULT 0, `CHits` DEFAULT 0, `BriefCase` DEFAULT 0, `BCash` DEFAULT 0, `BCrack` DEFAULT 0, `BPot` DEFAULT 0, `FHits` DEFAULT 0, `Arrested` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicleModel1` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicleFacing1` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1Color` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1Color2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosX1` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosY1` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosZ1` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1PaintJob` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1Nos` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1ModSlot0` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1ModSlot1` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1ModSlot2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1ModSlot3` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1ModSlot4` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1ModSlot5` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1ModSlot6` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1ModSlot7` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1ModSlot8` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1ModSlot9` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1ModSlot10` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1ModSlot11` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1ModSlot12` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1ModSlot13` DEFAULT 0, `VehLock1` DEFAULT 0, `VehLocked1` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1Interior` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle1VirWorld` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicleModel2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicleFacing2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2Color` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2Color2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosX2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosY2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosZ2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2PaintJob` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2Nos` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2ModSlot0` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2ModSlot1` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2ModSlot2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2ModSlot3` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2ModSlot4` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2ModSlot5` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2ModSlot6` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2ModSlot7` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2ModSlot8` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2ModSlot9` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2ModSlot10` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2ModSlot11` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2ModSlot12` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2ModSlot13` DEFAULT 0, `VehLock2` DEFAULT 0, `VehLocked2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2Interior` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle2VirWorld` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicleModel3` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicleFacing3` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3Color` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3Color2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosX3` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosY3` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosZ3` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3PaintJob` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3Nos` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3ModSlot0` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3ModSlot1` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3ModSlot2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3ModSlot3` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3ModSlot4` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3ModSlot5` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3ModSlot6` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3ModSlot7` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3ModSlot8` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3ModSlot9` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3ModSlot10` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3ModSlot11` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3ModSlot12` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3ModSlot13` DEFAULT 0, `VehLock3` DEFAULT 0, `VehLocked3` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3Interior` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle3VirWorld` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicleModel4` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicleFacing4` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4Color` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4Color2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosX4` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosY4` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosZ4` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4PaintJob` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4Nos` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4ModSlot0` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4ModSlot1` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4ModSlot2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4ModSlot3` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4ModSlot4` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4ModSlot5` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4ModSlot6` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4ModSlot7` DEFAULT 0, `JailedReason` DEFAULT 0, `JailTime` DEFAULT 0, `Gun parts` DEFAULT 0, `Pot` DEFAULT 0, `Bong` DEFAULT 0, `Pipe` DEFAULT 0, `Paper` DEFAULT 0, `Crack` DEFAULT 0, `Leader` DEFAULT 0, `Member` DEFAULT 0, `FMember` DEFAULT 0, `Rank` DEFAULT 0, `DetSkill` DEFAULT 0, `SexSkill` DEFAULT 0, `BoxSkill` DEFAULT 0, `LawSkill` DEFAULT 0, `MechSkill` DEFAULT 0, `JackSkill` DEFAULT 0, `CarSkill` DEFAULT 0, `NewsSkill` DEFAULT 0, `DrugsSkill` DEFAULT 0, `ArmsSkill` DEFAULT 0, `House` DEFAULT 0, `InGarage` DEFAULT 0, `HouseExterior` DEFAULT 0, `HouseInterior` DEFAULT 0, `hExtX` DEFAULT 0, `hExtY` DEFAULT 0, `hExtZ` DEFAULT 0, `hIntX` DEFAULT 0, `hIntY` DEFAULT 0, `hIntZ` DEFAULT 0, `SmugglerSkill` DEFAULT 0, `FishSkill` DEFAULT 0, `FightingStyle` DEFAULT 0, `pHealth` DEFAULT 0, `pArmor` DEFAULT 0, `pSHealth` DEFAULT 0, `Int` DEFAULT 0, `Local` DEFAULT 0, `VirtualWorld` DEFAULT 0, `Model` DEFAULT 0, `Tikis` DEFAULT 0, `Clothes` DEFAULT 0, `PhoneNr` DEFAULT 0, `Apartment` DEFAULT 0, `CarLic` DEFAULT 0, `FlyLic` DEFAULT 0, `BoatLic` DEFAULT 0, `FishLic` DEFAULT 0, `GunLic` DEFAULT 0, `Gun0` DEFAULT 0, `Gun1` DEFAULT 0, `Gun2` DEFAULT 0, `Gun3` DEFAULT 0, `InBusiness` DEFAULT 0, `BusinessInterior` DEFAULT 0, `BusinessExterior` DEFAULT 0, `Bizz` DEFAULT 0, `Garage` DEFAULT 0, `GarageII` DEFAULT 0, `HouseII` DEFAULT 0, `HouseIII` DEFAULT 0, `HouseIIII` DEFAULT 0, `GateKey` DEFAULT 0, `GateKeyIA` DEFAULT 0, `GateKeyIB` DEFAULT 0, `GateKeyIC` DEFAULT 0, `GateKeyID` DEFAULT 0, `GateKeyIE` DEFAULT 0, `GateKeyIF` DEFAULT 0, `GateKeyIG` DEFAULT 0, `GateKeyIH` DEFAULT 0, `GateKeyII` DEFAULT 0, `bExtX` DEFAULT 0, `bExtY` DEFAULT 0, `bExtZ` DEFAULT 0, `bIntX` DEFAULT 0, `bIntY` DEFAULT 0, `bIntZ` DEFAULT 0, `Gun4` DEFAULT 0, `Gun5` DEFAULT 0, `Gun6` DEFAULT 0, `Gun7` DEFAULT 0, `Gun8` DEFAULT 0, `Gun9` DEFAULT 0, `Gun10` DEFAULT 0, `Gun11` DEFAULT 0, `Gun12` DEFAULT 0, `CarTime` DEFAULT 0, `DrugsTime` DEFAULT 0, `LawyerTime` DEFAULT 0, `LawyerFreeTime` DEFAULT 0, `MechTime` DEFAULT 0, `SexTime` DEFAULT 0, `PayDay` DEFAULT 0, `PayDayHad` DEFAULT 0, `CDPlayer` DEFAULT 0, `Dice` DEFAULT 0, `Screw` DEFAULT 0, `Rope` DEFAULT 0, `AKmagazine` DEFAULT 0, `CSGmagazine` DEFAULT 0, `Demagazine` DEFAULT 0, `Cigars` DEFAULT 0, `GoldBars` DEFAULT 0, `Sprunk` DEFAULT 0, `WT` DEFAULT 0, `WTc` DEFAULT 0, `Bombs` DEFAULT 0, `Scope` DEFAULT 0, `OwnsMask` DEFAULT 0, `Wins` DEFAULT 0, `Loses` DEFAULT 0, `Tutorial` DEFAULT 0, `OnDuty` DEFAULT 0, `Hospital` DEFAULT 0, `Adjustable` DEFAULT 0, `Married` DEFAULT 0, `MarriedTo` DEFAULT 0, `NormalName` DEFAULT 0, `AdminName` DEFAULT 0, `HelperName` DEFAULT 0, `AdminDuty` DEFAULT 0, `ContractBy` DEFAULT 0, `IP` DEFAULT 0, `WantedLevel` DEFAULT 0, `NewbieMuted` DEFAULT 0, `RHmuted` DEFAULT 0, `ReportMuted` DEFAULT 0, `AdvertiseMuted` DEFAULT 0, `SafeSpawn` DEFAULT 0, `SPos_x` DEFAULT 0, `SPos_y` DEFAULT 0, `SPos_z` DEFAULT 0, `SPos_r` DEFAULT 0, `AidKit` DEFAULT 0, `HelperLevel` DEFAULT 0, `Mask` DEFAULT 0, `Blindfolds` DEFAULT 0, `Speedo` DEFAULT 0, `Seeds` DEFAULT 0, `Famed` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4ModSlot8` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4ModSlot9` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4ModSlot10` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4ModSlot11` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4ModSlot12` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4ModSlot13` DEFAULT 0, `VehLock4` DEFAULT 0, `VehLocked4` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4Interior` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle4VirWorld` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicleModel5` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicleFacing5` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5Color` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5Color2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosX5` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosY5` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehiclePosZ5` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5PaintJob` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5Nos` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5ModSlot0` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5ModSlot1` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5ModSlot2` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5ModSlot3` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5ModSlot4` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5ModSlot5` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5ModSlot7` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5ModSlot8` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5ModSlot9` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5ModSlot10` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5ModSlot11` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5ModSlot12` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5ModSlot13` DEFAULT 0, `VehLock5` DEFAULT 0, `VehLocked5` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5Interior` DEFAULT 0, `PlayerVehicle5VirWorld` DEFAULT 0, `Phonebook` DEFAULT 0, `HouseTicket` DEFAULT 0, `BusinessTicket` DEFAULT 0, `VehicleTicket` DEFAULT 0, `GateTicket` DEFAULT 0, `GarageTicket` DEFAULT 0, `BoomBox` DEFAULT 0, `LottoNr` DEFAULT 0, `Fishes` DEFAULT 0, `BiggestFish` DEFAULT 0, `Job` DEFAULT 0, `Job2` DEFAULT 0, `Paycheck` DEFAULT 0, `HeadValue` DEFAULT 0, `BHHeadValue` DEFAULT 0, `�Key` DEFAULT 0, `Key` DEFAULT 0)");
PermVehicleDB = db_open("PermVehicles.db");
db_query(PermVehicleDB, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `PermCars` (`permCarID` DEFAULT 0, `permCarLocked` DEFAULT 0, `permCarModel` DEFAULT 0, `permCarX` DEFAULT 0, `permCarY` DEFAULT 0, `permCarZ` DEFAULT 0, `permCarRot` DEFAULT 0, `permCarColor1` DEFAULT 0, `permCarColor2` DEFAULT 0, `permCarInterior` DEFAULT 0, `permCarVirtual` DEFAULT 0)");
CustomTextDB = db_open("CustomTexts.db");
db_query(CustomTextDB, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `CustomTexts` (`ctID` DEFAULT 0, `ctString` DEFAULT 0, `ctColor` DEFAULT 0, `ctFont` DEFAULT 0, `ctX` DEFAULT 0, `ctY` DEFAULT 0, `ctZ` DEFAULT 0, `ctRX` DEFAULT 0, `ctRY` DEFAULT 0, `ctRZ` DEFAULT 0, `ctSize` DEFAULT 0, `ctBackColor` DEFAULT 0)");