Indentation !

Ok, so I'm having one hell of an argument with a folk trying to convince me I'm going insane with the simple topic 'Code Indentation". He is so sure that a messy code is the way. We're both in the same college(Computer Science) so he made a simple Console program in C, and I explained why is better to have a very well arranged code, what are the advantages and he keeps throwing stuff at me like "You know nothing !" (Like I'm Jon Snow or something). He then told, publicly, that what we discussed may confuse new programmers, and I was like ... seriously dude, it's a freaking advice, everything that's free, even advices, take em and shut the fuck up !

He is seriously new at this while I did have some experience with coding a while back, and I can assure him indentation is one of the most important things while coding. Allright, who's right ?

Yes, a code may work anyway even with a messy code, okay, but try and change stuff in it and try to edit it and you'll end out outside of your house looking a for a freaking badly placed bracket !
( I felt like needing moral support, somewhat)

My code is messy all the time, I mean if its a pet project "just for fun" I see no point of organizing the code.

I prefer it looking good, but ain't no body got time to organize it, but then again it never organize it, never will. (leaving the IT area)

Originally Posted by Mark_Weston
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My code is messy all the time, I mean if its a pet project "just for fun" I see no point of organizing the code.

I prefer it looking good, but ain't no body got time to organize it, but then again it never organize it, never will. (leaving the IT area)
Everyone codes in his own way, that's true, I agree, but still, I offered the cleanest way to coding, yet he almost yelled at me saying I look like shit trying to convince people.
If you start pet projects with bad indentation... You'll just end up getting used to it.
( I for example I'm an indentation freak, even with stupid projects, It got to look good ! For myself mostly so I can have a better visiblity of the code )

Originally Posted by Zh3r0
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Everyone codes in his own way, that's true, I agree, but still, I offered the cleanest way to coding, yet he almost yelled at me saying I look like shit trying to convince people.
If you start pet projects with bad indentation... You'll just end up getting used to it.
( I for example I'm an indentation freak, even with stupid projects, It got to look good ! For myself mostly so I can have a better visiblity of the code )
True, well its gonna be hard for em to find a job with a messy portfolio

Intendation is definantly important as 1st it would be easier to read it ofc, 2nd it could turn into a girl on period at any time due to it having issues reading it properly. Just don't get bothered by what he says, you got a lot of experience and you're, of course, right

Follow the insanity!
it even contains microsoft jokes.

Code indentation is an important thing you need to learn if you want to become a good programmer.

I learned the importance of proper indentation the hard way. Code can work fine despite having crappy identation, but as soon as you need to fix a problem involving scanning your code you're gonna find yourself in a massive storm of fuck.

It feels great being here, apart from the fact that I'm being treated like crap on that stupid ******** group I'm in where every freshmen seem to be a badass pro programer making fun of my advices.

@Mellnik - That was awesome and indeed funny !

Indentation is important, that's not even up for discussion.

It's obvious that your friend has no idea what he's talking about, it also seems pretty obvious (to me) that he has never written big and/or complex programs.
When doing something, coding or not coding related, there's always a part that if small enough can be done in the most messy way you'd want and still end up fine. But when you start going big that all changes. I've listed a few reasons below.

Consider these:
- No decent programmer will touch code that's not indented, so don't expect any help
- If you work with someone on the same code and don't indent, you'll be kicked out faster than you can say "hi, my name is.."
- When you look back at your own code to find a bug, it'll take you way longer than it'd have taken to indent
- When you revisit your code after a few months, you will not be able to understand a single bit
- Decent IDEs do it automagically!!

I could go on for quite a while about this.

TL ; DR Indent or stop programming

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