[Plugin] YSF - kurta999's version

Fixed nightvison bug (?)

Thats the one thing which is not, I'll post a new changelog when R10 will be released as stable. The plugin still needs updating on new version release, but I'll add server.cfg option "ysf_skipversioncheck" to skip version check and will work almost with every version where no changes in structures.

I tried to reset everytime player weapon to 0 and send this for other player, but don't work. Anyway very easy to fix this shit bug client side, IDK why Kye didn't fixed this before.

Thank you for the R10 Beta - Linux Update.

Can you add a Function to set the Spawnposition for a Vehicle? After destroying the Server needs to port them back at OnVehicleSpawn if you want it back, can you add a soultion like SetVehicleSpawnPos(vehicleid,Float:X,Float:Y,Float :Z,Float:Angle) ?

It will be great in combination with destroyed Vehicles and other things like "/park" Commands without respawning them on Spot to set the Parking-location.

I will check how vehicle spawning works, if possible, then it will be in r10.

E: This is impossible, sorry.

Can you make callbacks that send the info for casinos, like:
pawn Код:
OnPlayerEnterCasinoGame(playerid, gametype);
OnPlayerCasinoGamble(playerid, amount);
OnPlayerCasinoGambleWin(playerid, amount);
Or something so that roleplay servers can detect it?

Does "OnServerMessage" handle returns?

Originally Posted by Dubya
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Can you make callbacks that send the info for casinos, like:
pawn Код:
OnPlayerEnterCasinoGame(playerid, gametype);
OnPlayerCasinoGamble(playerid, amount);
OnPlayerCasinoGambleWin(playerid, amount);
Or something so that roleplay servers can detect it?
Why bother there are mods that can make you a winner every time best to make your own games.

Originally Posted by Pottus
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Why bother there are mods that can make you a winner every time best to make your own games.
I think roleplay server owners would like to manage the money won on standard casino games since players lose and got money by using these machines and there is no way to forbid them beautifully.

Originally Posted by CyNiC
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I think roleplay server owners would like to manage the money won on standard casino games since players lose and got money by using these machines and there is no way to forbid them beautifully.
Did you not read what I said? It's easy to cheat winning on them they are simply not viable for a roleplay sever besides I'm pretty sure this isn't possible anyways since it's all client side.

Originally Posted by Pottus
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Did you not read what I said? It's easy to cheat winning on them they are simply not viable for a roleplay sever besides I'm pretty sure this isn't possible anyways since it's all client side.
Yes, I did read, I was just pointing out the reason for these callbacks for a roleplay server for example, because making own games as you suggested will not magically forbid the original machines.

But whatever, its untouchable if client side.

kurta, can make a function for hide player in scoreboards like:

HidePlayerFromScoreboards(playerid, bool:toggle);

That's impossible.

There are still bugs in new pickup system, but i'm on it.

New functions in last days:

- Added GetPlayerLastSyncedVehicleID, GetPlayerLastSyncedTrailerID
(This will return last synced vehicle from INCAR_SYNC_DATA, for unoccupied vehicle use OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate)

You can easily write anti-car flooder/slapper with these functions

- Added SendInvalidPlayerSync(playerid) - raksamp versions will crash
- Added OnPlayerStatsAndWeaponsUpdate() callback, which will be called with STATS_UPDATE & WEAPONS_UPDATE packet. Get player drunk/weapon ammo/target/money will be the best accurate under this callback.

Nice Job


OnPlayerStatsAndWeaponsUpdate() with this we can make an efficiently anti-weapons hacks.

The problem is if SA-MP will be updated.. you will update the all functions addresses?

Update these are very easy, i should create a totorial. But now almost everything updated automaticly

its possible to add a function like this?

pawn Code:
SetPlayerDeathTimeout(playerid, time);
or something?
this will keep the player dead without spawn again for certain time, example 10 seconds...

No way.

Originally Posted by SASRicardoXD
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its possible to add a function like this?

pawn Code:
SetPlayerDeathTimeout(playerid, time);
or something?
this will keep the player dead without spawn again for certain time, example 10 seconds...
No way, but, get player's position, set player's spawn pos to there, put player in spectator mode, exit the player from spectator mode, then apply an animation on that player.

Would be cool a callback that is called every the packet that server sends to clients.
And some natives to manipulate the packets like FM_AddToFullPack in AmxModx.

Usage exemple: Use a single NPC in more shops. (Make that NPC visible(per player) in more positions. Ex: Me see the npc in LS you see in LV.).

It will be cool if is possible.

EDIT: Here is a description for AddToFullPack to understand batter:


Return 1 if the entity state has been filled in for the ent and the entity will be propagated to the client, 0 otherwise

state is the server maintained copy of the state info that is transmitted to the client
a MOD could alter values copied into state to send the "host" a different look for a particular entity update, etc.
e and ent are the entity that is being added to the update, if 1 is returned
host is the player's edict of the player whom we are sending the update to
player is 1 if the ent/e is a player and 0 otherwise
pSet is either the PAS or PVS that we previous set up. We can use it to ask the engine to filter the entity against the PAS or PVS.
we could also use the pas/ pvs that we set in SetupVisibility, if we wanted to. Caching the value is valid in that case, but still only for the current frame
int AddToFullPack( struct entity_state_s *state, int e, edict_t *ent, edict_t *host, int hostflags, int player, unsigned char *pSet )


Originally Posted by kurta999
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- Added SendInvalidPlayerSync(playerid) - raksamp versions will crash
Does this really work and will not this crash a player? If not, can it be used in OnPlayerConnect to crash raknet?
When you said raknet versions, do you mean every possible version of raknet or only the latest?

Good Joob kurta999!

Szйp munka kurta!Kцnyitettem a dolgodat D

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