21.10.2014, 19:44
Последний раз редактировалось SKAzini; 23.10.2014 в 15:50.
Well, when I am bored, I go to pastebin.com and look at every recent public paste in the quest of finding something funny or interesting. I've now automatized this which means less mouse slitage!
Jokes aside, it was pretty fun making this simple but useful (ok, only to me I know) script.
Show me!!: http://cityofsantos.com/pastebin.php
Takes like 10 seconds to initialize, be patient.
At first, I made a program in VB.NET which would dump the 250 most recent pastes from the Pastebin archive into a MySQL database, then I would print the data from the first entry into an Ajax page. After a while, I realized that this is very inefficient and I decided to scrap the program part and make a script solely based on Jquery/JS/Ajax. I created a local PHP CORS proxy and used that to load the Pastebin data. However, this used too much bandwidth if multiple people were running the script (~62kb/s * requests/min * people).
I searched ****** (oh ******<3) for online CORS proxies, and I found corsproxy.com which fit my requirements very well! I switched over to that and the data loading is no longer on the local server. Made some finishing touches to the design and there it is. What now?
TLDR: You lazy person! >:[
Jokes aside, it was pretty fun making this simple but useful (ok, only to me I know) script.
Show me!!: http://cityofsantos.com/pastebin.php
Takes like 10 seconds to initialize, be patient.
At first, I made a program in VB.NET which would dump the 250 most recent pastes from the Pastebin archive into a MySQL database, then I would print the data from the first entry into an Ajax page. After a while, I realized that this is very inefficient and I decided to scrap the program part and make a script solely based on Jquery/JS/Ajax. I created a local PHP CORS proxy and used that to load the Pastebin data. However, this used too much bandwidth if multiple people were running the script (~62kb/s * requests/min * people).
I searched ****** (oh ******<3) for online CORS proxies, and I found corsproxy.com which fit my requirements very well! I switched over to that and the data loading is no longer on the local server. Made some finishing touches to the design and there it is. What now?

TLDR: You lazy person! >:[