A little help about pwn

Hi, after a long time inactive, I forgot a lot. Well I want to make a samp server again. But I forgot some things.
I had a problem with the pwn parts and the compile file.

Pawno looks like this:

For so far as I know it must be look else. A blue box with red boxes inside or something right?

And this one to, The files looks like different. How can I fix this?


Yes, but you've set pawno as default opening program for it, so it'll autmatically open with Pawno if you open it.
So, it's alright

It looks still the same when I compile and save the file:


Well, The file is a .pwn file and You've changed the Default program for opening to pawn. It works the same as the blue and red dotted files. Still if you want to change it, You can use 'Open with' ...

If you double click, It just opens right? Or it asks you to open with ?

It asked, and my pc was re installed so Since than I have the problems. And I get always firewall things

Ok right click on it, -> Properties -> Opens with -> Select Pawn/o

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