Question for Steam users.

Alright so i saw on PC gamer just now that today steam will have 10 free games. And on PC Gamer it says

You'll have over 48 hours to play them, as they unlock 10am Pacific time on Thursday, October 16. After that you'll need to pay for them, with the promise of substantial discounts.

So what i am asking is that if i claim few games i can play them for 48 hours and after that i need to pay for them to continue playing or?

Yes, if you like that games after 48 hours you can buy them or they will be deleted from your steam library.
Hope it helped.

Yeah you did acctually. Thanks.

That's just a trial they're giving and even Steam gives that too.

Trial... you play it for few days, then it'll ask you to buy it, it won't charge you or anything. I played Chivarly once like that. Pretty decent marketing if you ask me.

It says free for 48 hours. After that you need to pay to keep the games.

Yeah after 48 hours they'll force you to hand over your shekels to GabeN.

If you're looking for free Steam games that live up forever you can find free steam keys from webs like pcgamer etc. But most will try to scam you and force a survey, anything that includes a survey is blatant scam. Most games given out for free are usually so shit you won't even launch them and only keep them on your library for lofty decors.

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