14.10.2014, 14:33
--> This is a Gamemode Roleplay/Stunt !
--> He it's Roleplay because have Level + XP System, Payday System;
--> He it's Stunt because have Deathmatch Minigames, Fun Minigames, War System, etc!
--> Login System;
--> Register System;
--> Saving Stats system;
--> Level & XP System;
--> Payday System;
--> Vip System;
--> Admin System;
--> Minigames System;
--> AFK/BRB System;
--> Random Spawnming;
--> Trucker System;
--> Harvest System;
--> VIP in front of name; (If player it's VIP)
--> Admin Commands (Basic Admin System)
--> War System;
--> Minigun System;
--> Capture the Flag System;
--> Sumo System;
Login/Register System:
Both of them, are made with DINI ( Thanks to Dracoblue, and them are efficietlly, save it's saving after player's disconnect, all Users are placed in a .ini file in \scriptfiles\Users\
Vip System:
We have a unique VIP System, wich have much commands, and containts 2 VIP Levels: GOLD && SILVER Vips !
*NOTE: Vip Players have a [VIP] Tag and Blue color to name [CHANGE FROM SCRIPT]
Vip Commands:
-------------------------------->RCON COMMANDS<---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - /SetVip = Sets Vip Level to someone (you need be logged in as RCON, to can use this command) --------------------------------->SILVER VIP COMMANDS<---------------------------------------------------------------------- /Healme --> Heals Vip Silver player ! /Armour --> Refill Vip Silver's armour ! /Ham --> Refill Vip Silver's health/armour ! /Godmode --> Activate GodMode System ( Have infinity health ) /StopGodmode --> Deactivate GodMode System ( Have 100 health ) /CC --> Clears the chat ! /W --> Spawns a weapon pack ! /Spawnme --> Spawns that player ! /Jetpack --> Spawns a jetpack ! -------------------------------->VIP GOLD COMMANDS<-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /Healme --> Heals Vip Gold player ! /Armour --> Refill Vip Gold's armour ! /Ham --> Refill Vip Gold's health/armour ! /Godmode --> Activate GodMode System ( Have infinity health ) /StopGodmode --> Deactivate GodMode System ( Have 100 health ) /VKick --> Kicks a player ! /CC --> Clears the chat ! /W --> Spawns a weapon pack ! /Spawnme --> Spawns that player ! /Jetpack --> Spawns a jetpack ! TOTAL COMMANDS: 20 ; CURRENT VERSION : v1.0 ;
Admin System:
We have too a unique Basic Admin System, wich containts 2 Levels : One for all commands, and 2 just for /Setlevel command!
Admin Commands:
ADMIN COMMANDS: /Slap --> Slaps a player ! /Banip --> Ban a player on IP ! /Goto --> Go to specified player ! /Get --> Get a player to your position ! /Kick --> Kicks a player ! /Ban --> Bans a player ! /Announce --> Make an announce on players's screen ! /Explode --> Explode a player ! /SetLevel --> Sets level [P.S: Only for Admin LEVEL 2 OR RCON] TOTAL COMMANDS: 10; CURRENT VERSION : v1.0
All players are free to choose what they do, they can play minigame, jobs, etc.
Player Commans:
TOTAL COMMANDS : 37 ; CURRENT VERSION : v1.0 ; COMMANDS : ( PLAYER COMMANDS ) /levelup --> Allow player to level up (if he have necessary experience) /level --> Allow player to see his level + his experience ! /buyvip --> Allow player to Buy Vip ! /Mini --> He can participate at MINIGUN DM Minigame ! /WRules --> See War Rules ! /CT --> Join at War Minigame as Counter-Terrorist ! /T --> Join at War Minigame as Terrorist ! /Leave --> Allows player to leave from a Minigame ! /afk --> Allows player to be AFK ! /back --> Allows player to come back from AFK ! /TT --> Join at Capture the Flag Minigame as Terrorist ! /CTT --> Joint at Capture The Flag Minigame as Terrorist ! /Kill --> Kill person who type this ! /Credits --> Show creator of server ! /Rules --> Show server's rules ! /Skin --> Change player's skin ! /Jetpack --> Spawns a Jetpack ! /R --> Speak in "Radio Chat" ! /Para --> Take a parachute ! /Spawnme --> Spawns player who type this ! /Clearmchat --> Clears your's chat ! /H --> Teleport to harvester station ! /HA --> Start Harvester job ! /Trucker --> Teleport to trucker job ! /TJob --> Start Trucker job ! /Healme --> Heals you (of course, if you give money) ! /Armourme --> Armours you (of course, if you give money) ! /Kickme --> Kick you ( of course, if you want ) !--> CHANGE FROM SCRIPT IF YOU WANT !!!! /Banme --> Bans you ( of course if you want ) ! --> CHANGE FROM SCRIPT IF YOU WANT !!!! /Cigar --> Smoke some cigarets ! ( You get -15 health if you smoke ) /Wine --> Drink some wine ! ( You will be drunked if you drink too much ! ) /Beer --> Drink some beer ! ( You will be drunked if you drink too much ! ) /Weed --> Smoke some weed ! /PM --> Speak in PM chat with someone ! /Admins --> See Online Admins !
We have too a Jobs System, and players cannot get bored . Jobs are Trucker and Harvester!
Level & XP System:
We have too, a Level & XP System. At every 30 minutes played, you get +1 experience, and with experience you can use /LEVELUP to go to another level ! You have a /Level command :
We have a Minigame System, look down :
MINIGAMES : Minigun DM --> This it's an DM Minigame, wich you get spawned with a Minigun and you need to kill other players ! MINIGUN DM COMMANDS : /Mini --> Join to Minigun DM ! WAR DM --> This it's an DM Minigame, wich you get spawned with weapons and you need to kill and survive vs other teams ! WAR DM COMMANDS : /CT (Join as Counter-Terrorist) and /T (Join as Terrorist) CAPTURE THE FLAG DM --> This it's an DM Minigame, wich you get spawned with a Minigun and you need to kill other team and capture them flag ! CAPTURE THE FALG COMMANDS : /CTT (Join as Counter-Terrorists) and /T (Join as Terrorist) SUMO CAR --> This it's a fun Minigame, wich you need to remain last man with car ! SUMO CAR COMMANDS : /sumo (join at SUMO)
Click me !
--> Download pack ! --> Unrar pack ! --> Open server ! --> Enjoy ! --> Hope you like it ! :():