TDM Nuke/Anthrax/Airstrike commands help

I need help with a nuke command
The nuke command should kill all the ppl in a base and the nuked should get kills and score and money(1000 per kill)
The nuke should be done on,y when the team have 2 specific territories captured by them and should cost them money

An anthrax command which would give -75 health to all the players except the team who has done anthrax
Also the anthrax should only be done when two peope of the same team are present in the anthrax point and the teritory should be owned by his team and should cost the player some money
also the person who did anthrax should get the kills and money (1000 per kill)

An Airstrike command which kills all the people in a certain range (including the team who has done it)
This command can be used anywhere and there should be a rank requirement. For this command
Also this command requires a captured area and should cost some money
The command should give all the kills of other team to the person who has done it and should cost money

Please help me

Nobody would sit and script all these for you,you need to make your progress yourself and learn it. Scripting is learned by doing it by yourself.

People can explain you how to do it but nobody will write you the code from scratch.

Or if you want to request scripts ask here:

Originally Posted by Tamer T
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Nobody would sit and script all these for you,you need to make your progress yourself and learn it. Scripting is learned by doing it by yourself.

People can explain you how to do it but nobody will write you the code from scratch.

Or if you want to request scripts ask here:
Yep thats right..

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