Free host

Any one know any free host and slots all over pls help

Other free host sucks i mean suck!! Just wait for
#3 it's good

All of the free hosts sucks. and most of them are scammers or spammers and just want to steal your GM.

If you Want free host, you just need to host your own server on your computer.
If you are searching about free host here, you will not find a good host because all of them are loosers, but a host is the best thing ever done to enjoy with your server

Monkuttan, please, do not -1 REP if I have noticed you for this. Thanks anyway --'
If you have a free host, your server will be closed, and they will steal your gamemode.
This is not Helpful ?

Originally Posted by ChupaKabras
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If you have a free host, your server will be closed, and they will steal your gamemode.
This is not Helpful ?
What? Dude you are drunk? They are not going to steal anything....

All free hosts are advertising themself with "Fast Servers", "DDOS Protection", "Legit" and stuff. But, if you really think they give you DDOS Protection for $0, then you're out of your mind men. If someone wants to DDOS you and he got the equipment, some shitty free DDOS Protection won't stop him. The fast servers aren't always as fast as you think they are, you'll get lagspikes a lot.

I recommended you to buy a paid host for $10 a month. Come on, that's almost nothing... All good and big servers are hosted on a paid host, not some shitty 30 slot crap.

The best is this... that community is trusted and giving more than slots till 100

Well, Use any free host you want as long as you want.
but NEVER upload .pwn.
.amx is as much of useless for everyone, Best script in a .amx for me is much of useless.

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