24.09.2014, 22:44
Staff, want a hand hello, have a system of extendable Gang Zone, and I'm trying to fix is the following ..
public tar gz:
this part here is that this is not working:
I wanted to type when the person entered the Gangzone, increased more FAEmGz ++; or FARCEmGz ++; so I want to help to see WHAT can I do in this case I think it is not very definite, if you have a person who knows more than me and can help me, tell me the solution please ..?
public tar gz:
public ElQuebrados(playerid) { new FAEmGz; new FARCEmGz; FAEmGz = 0; FARCEmGz = 0; new string[128]; for (new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (IsPlayerInPlace(i, -1412.9468, 2536.2871, -1577.1643, 2727.0327)) { if (PlayerInfo[i][pMembro] == 3 || PlayerInfo[i][pLider] == 3) { FAEmGz++; } else if (PlayerInfo[i][pMembro] == 6 || PlayerInfo[i][pLider] == 6) { FARCEmGz++; } format(string, 100, "exercito[%d] farc[%d]", FAEmGz, FARCEmGz); SendClientMessageToAll(-1, string); if (FARCEmGz != 0) { .... } else if (FAEmGz != 0) { .... } else if (FAEmGz != 0 && FARCEmGz != 0) { .... } else if (FAEmGz == 0 && FARCEmGz == 0) { .... } } } return 1; }
if (IsPlayerInPlace(i, -1412.9468, 2536.2871, -1577.1643, 2727.0327)) { if (PlayerInfo[i][pMembro] == 3 || PlayerInfo[i][pLider] == 3) { FAEmGz++; } else if (PlayerInfo[i][pMembro] == 6 || PlayerInfo[i][pLider] == 6) { FARCEmGz++; }