TI-Nspire CX's

Would you guys recommend getting one, or should I stick with my old TI-84 Plus Silver Edition?

I'm also considering getting the CAS version but not being able to use it on the ACT is making me not sure.

I have both, but I like my TI-Nspire CX much better.

Laptops and smartphones pretty much made calculators obsolete IMO. You can realize any graphics or CAS stuff on them without the need to get an expensive extra calculator. And Im saying that even though Im a mathematics student at university.
I also got an old model, but just because I needed it for school years ago, and within 4 years of studying I never really needed it, any other standard pocket calculator could have done the job (Okay, I must admit ANY calculator isnt correct when it comes to advanced functions. But either wolfram alpha or a 15$ scientific calculator can do the job)
In general, if you also need it for school, just pick the one teachers recommend, as this usually is the cheapest one that offers all the features youll need. There are only some few scenarios where such a system would really be handy.

TI-Nspire CX might have new features but TI-84 Plus Silver Edition isnt that bad. This year i sold the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition and got the new color edition, same thing just color helps with graphs and stuff

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