you banned from this server

someone tell me in what file is this phrase ?

you banned from this server

Originally Posted by Ralfie
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It is "You are banned from this server" and this gets displayed if your IP is added to the samp.ban file.
I mean this line I want to add textdraw and therefore ask where this line is

You Want Ro Replace Textdraw For "you banned from this server" ?
If Your Answer Is "Yes" You Can't Change It. !

Originally Posted by M0HAMMAD
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You Want Ro Replace Textdraw For "you banned from this server" ?
If Your Answer Is "Yes" You Can't Change It. !
not really if he removes the samp ban, and add a manual one

it's not in a file, the client displays it when they are banned, if you want a textdraw, then show them the textdraw and then ban them

instead of banning, you can make another ban function to save player infos in scriptfiles and then
after each connect shows a message or textdraw if you want and after that like a delay i mean after
2 or 3 seconds player should be kicked not ban
I said kick because if player has been ban he/she can not see your message after another connect
hope you make this

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