01.09.2014, 11:47
Last edited by Swimor; 01/09/2014 at 03:23 PM.
NHibernate plugin for BlueG Mysql
NHibernate is extension to BlueG Mysql plugin that automatically builds the queries by using mappings. To execute queries this plugin hooks internally part of BlueG's plugin natives, those native still can be used in AMX.
The idea took from NHibernate in C#. There are possibility that there are functions that exists in the original NHibernate but not exists in this plugin because not all of the functions can be done in SA-MP.
This plugin doesn't have working binaries yet because I just started building it.
I assume that this is just a peace from all function that will be supported. If you have any ideas to functions that should be included - send me private message or leave her comment.
Example script
This script is only an example, there are many missing things in this script.
Source & Download
Source: https://github.com/zilberman-rafael/...sql-nhibernate
Downloads: - (WIP)
Any suggestions is welcome.
Copyright 2014 Rafael
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
This repository using code from SA-MP GDK project, the full project license can be found at SA-MP GDK License.txt. limitations under the License.
NHibernate is extension to BlueG Mysql plugin that automatically builds the queries by using mappings. To execute queries this plugin hooks internally part of BlueG's plugin natives, those native still can be used in AMX.
The idea took from NHibernate in C#. There are possibility that there are functions that exists in the original NHibernate but not exists in this plugin because not all of the functions can be done in SA-MP.
This plugin doesn't have working binaries yet because I just started building it.
I assume that this is just a peace from all function that will be supported. If you have any ideas to functions that should be included - send me private message or leave her comment.
// Sessions native nh_create_factory(host[], db[], user[], password[], privileges_flags); native nh_destory_factory(factory); native nh_open_session(factory); native nh_close_session(session); // Mappings native nh_table(table[]); native nh_id(field[], enum_field); native nh_map(field[], enum_field, length = 0); // If mapping an array (or string) use length argument too. native nh_references(field, second_mapping, key); native nh_has_many(field, second_mapping, key); // Queries native nh_select(connection, mapping); native nh_join(connection, type, mapping, second_mapping); native nh_exec(query, callback[] = "", format[] = "", ...); native nh_save(connection, mapping, data[]); native nh_update(connection, mapping, data[]); native nh_save_or_update(connection, mapping, data[]); // Operations native nh_first(query); native nh_single(query); native nh_where(query, flags, field, value[]); native nh_skip(query, field, value); native nh_take(query, field, value); native nh_order_by(query, field, asc = true); native nh_group_by(query, field); native nh_starts_with(query, field, value[]); native nh_ends_with(query, field, value[]); native nh_contains(query, field, value[]); // Lazy loading native nh_get(data, dest[]);
#include <a_samp> #include <nhibernate> #define MAX_PROPS 50 #define MAX_PROP_NAME 24 #define MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH 25 #define MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH 6 #define SQL_HOST "localhost" #define SQL_DB "db" #define SQL_READ_USER "ruser" #define SQL_READ_PASS "rpassword" #define SQL_WRITE_USER "ruser" #define SQL_WRITE_PASS "rpassword" enum { DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_INF } new g_Connection_Read, g_Connection_Write; enum e_Player { p_Id, p_Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], bool:IsRegistered, bool:IsLoggedIn, p_Kills, p_Deaths, p_Tag[20], p_Props[MAX_PROPS] } enum e_Prop { pr_Id, pr_Name[MAX_PROP_NAME], pr_Player } new g_Players[MAX_PLAYERS][e_Player], g_Props[MAX_PROPS][e_Prop]; main() { } public OnGameModeInit() { new read_factory = nh_create_factory(SQL_HOST, SQL_DB, SQL_READ_USER, SQL_READ_PASS, NH_PRIVILEGE_SELECT | NH_PRIVILEGE_JOIN); g_Connection_Read = nh_open_session(nh_create_factory); new write_factory = nh_create_factory(SQL_HOST, SQL_DB, SQL_WRITE_USER, SQL_WRITE_PASS, NH_PRIVILEGE_INSERT | NH_PRIVILEGE_UPDATE | NH_PRIVILEGE_DELETE); g_Connection_Write = nh_open_session(write_factory); return 1; } Map<e_Prop>() { nh_table("props"); nh_id("id", pr_Id); nh_map("name", pr_Name, MAX_PROP_NAME); nh_map("player", pr_Player); return 1; } Map<e_Player>() { nh_table("accounts"); nh_id("id", p_Id); nh_map("name", p_Name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); nh_map("kills", p_Kills); nh_map("deaths", p_Deaths); nh_map("tag", p_Tag, 20); nh_has_many(p_Props, props, pr_Player); return 1; } public OnGameModeExit() { nh_close_session(g_Connection_Read); nh_close_session(g_Connection_Write); return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { for(new i = 0; e_Player:i < e_Player; i++) { g_Players[playerid][e_Player:i] = 0; } new player_name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, player_name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); new player_query = nh_select(g_Connection_Read, "accounts"); nh_first(player_query); nh_where(player_query, NH_EQUALS, p_Name, player_name); nh_exec(player_query, "OnPlayerConnect_", "d", playerid); return 1; } forward OnPlayerConnect_(data, playerid); public OnPlayerConnect_(data, playerid) { if(!nh_is_null(data)) { g_Players[playerid][IsRegistered] = true; ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Welcome! Log-in Please!", "Welcome!\nIt appears that your account was found in our database!\nTherefore you may log-in to your account!\nEnter your password below:\n", "Log-in", "Quit"); } else { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Welcome! Register Please!", "Welcome!\nIt appears your account can not be found in our database.\nTherefore you may register your account and create a new one!\nPlease insert your password below:", "Register", "Quit"); } } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { nh_update(g_Connection_Write, g_Players[playerid]); // nh_update executes automaticlly, updated the record where identity is the same as g_Player[playerid][p_Id] return 1; } public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { g_Players[playerid][Deaths]++; if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { g_Players[killerid][Kills]++; } return 1; } public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if(!g_Players[playerid][IsLoggedIn]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You cannt send commands before signing in"); return 0; } public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid) { if(!g_Players[playerid][IsLoggedIn]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You cannt spawn before signing in"); return 1; } public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) { if(!g_Players[playerid][IsLoggedIn]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You cannt use the chat before signing in"), 0; return 1; } forward OnPlayerLogin(data, playerid); public OnPlayerLogin(data, playerid) { if(!nh_is_null(data)) { g_Players[playerid][IsLoggedIn] = true; nh_get(data, g_Players[playerid]); } else { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Welcome! Login Please! - Incorrect PASSWORD!", "Welcome!\nIt appears that you haven't entered a CORRECT login password\nTherefore you must enter a CORRECT password\nPlease insert your password below:", "Log-in", "Quit"); } return 1; } public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { if(dialogid == DIALOG_REGISTER) { if(!response) { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "BB"); return SetTimerEx("OnPlayerKick", 100, false, "d", playerid); } else { if(!CheckPassword(inputtext)) { return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Welcome! Register Please! - No PASSWORD entered!", "Welcome!\nIt appears that you haven't entered a registration password\nIt also seems that you haven't entered anything at all.\nPlease insert your password below:", "Register", "Quit"); } else { GetPlayerName(playerid, g_Players[playerid][Name], MAX_PLAYER_NAME); nh_save(g_Connection_Write, "accounts", g_Players[playerid]); } } return 1; } if(dialogid == DIALOG_LOGIN) { if(!response) { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "BB"); return SetTimerEx("OnPlayerKick", 100, false, "d", playerid); } else { if(!CheckPassword(inputtext)) { return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Welcome! Login Please! - No PASSWORD entered!", "Welcome!\nIt appears that you haven't entered a login password\nIt also seems that you haven't entered anything at all.\nPlease insert your password below:", "Log-in", "Quit"); } else { new player_name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, player_name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); new player_query = nh_select(g_Connection_Read, "accounts"); nh_first(player_query); nh_where(player_query, NH_EQUALS, p_Name, player_name); nh_where(player_query, NH_EQUALS | NH_AND, -1, inputtext, "password"); nh_exec(player_query, "OnPlayerLogin", "d", playerid); } } return 1; } return 0; } forward OnPlayerKick(playerid); public OnPlayerKick(playerid) { Kick(playerid); } stock CheckPassword(password[]) { return strlen(password) >= MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH && strlen(password) <= MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH; }
Source & Download
Source: https://github.com/zilberman-rafael/...sql-nhibernate
Downloads: - (WIP)
Any suggestions is welcome.
Copyright 2014 Rafael
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
This repository using code from SA-MP GDK project, the full project license can be found at SA-MP GDK License.txt. limitations under the License.