How can i check if is newbie vehicle + updating the 3d text?

Ok look.

I want everytime when a player enter on a car to get the text 3d "USED" ... look what i did:

new 	NewbieVehicles[9];


	// vehicles

	NewbieVehicles[1] = AddStaticVehicle(445,1652.8024,-2311.7949,-2.8001,269.0930,1,1); 
	NewbieVehicles[2] = AddStaticVehicle(445,1692.2946,-2311.8096,-2.8002,270.1032,1,1);
	NewbieVehicles[3] = AddStaticVehicle(445,1714.3004,-2261.1824,-2.8319,89.9597,1,1); 
	NewbieVehicles[4] = AddStaticVehicle(445,1692.3579,-2261.3889,-2.8638,270.8394,1,1); 
	NewbieVehicles[5] = AddStaticVehicle(445,1673.7644,-2261.2090,-2.8681,89.6409,1,1); 
	NewbieVehicles[6] = AddStaticVehicle(445,1673.0085,-2311.7583,-2.7838,89.5783,1,1); 
	NewbieVehicles[7] = AddStaticVehicle(445,1650.0793,-2261.3271,-2.8411,270.4674,1,1); 
        NewbieVehicles[8] = AddStaticVehicle(445,1714.6189,-2311.7854,-2.7871,89.8111,1,1); 

	for(new i; i<sizeof(NewbieVehicles); i++)
			mFuel[ i ] = 100;
                        new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z; GetVehiclePos(i, x,y,z);
                        new StringVehicul[250];
                        format(StringVehicul,sizeof(StringVehicul),"{FFCC00}[DRIVE IT NOW]");
                        newbie3dtext[i] = Create3DTextLabel(StringVehicul, 0xFF0000CC, x, y, z+40, 10, -1, 1);
I know i'm supposed to update the string on OnPlayerEnterVehicle but i never did that...

So ...

1. How can i create a loop to check if the carid = newbievehicle?
2. How can i do when the player IS IN CAR (not when he enter F / ENTER) to set the text 3d "USED"? i mean to
update the vehicle 3d TEXT?

To get the vehicle ID use this :
And the second question, I really didn't understand you, You did mean he is in G right ?

Put ur script under public OnVehicleStreamIn

Well I also don't understand

1. When the player enter on car to set the text 3d "USED"
2. How can i check if is one of these cars?

... i have problems at checking .. one example please not the function ? + how i update the 3d text of car

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