[Plugin] YSF - kurta999's version

I've a map hider gangzone, which is without YSF working, but with YSF it isn't working.
This is create in OnGameModeInit:
MapHide = GangZoneCreate(-2999.0, -2999.0, 2999.0, 2999.0);
And hiding, showing function:
stock Radar(playerid, bool:show)
		GangZoneHideForPlayer(playerid, MapHide);
		GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, MapHide, 0x000000FF);

Again Scoreboard fucked up in R9 [Linux]. Why?

Originally Posted by Erik3333
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I've a map hider gangzone, which is without YSF working, but with YSF it isn't working.
This is create in OnGameModeInit:
MapHide = GangZoneCreate(-2999.0, -2999.0, 2999.0, 2999.0);
And hiding, showing function:
stock Radar(playerid, bool:show)
		GangZoneHideForPlayer(playerid, MapHide);
		GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, MapHide, 0x000000FF);
I'll check this.

Originally Posted by iFarbod
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Again Scoreboard fucked up in R9 [Linux]. Why?
What version are you using? In R3 server R9 YSF work's without any problem, i tested scoreboard functions, these works too.

0.3z R4, YSF R9. Scoreboard fucked up and doesn't update ping/score.

Then switch back to R3 server, until i fix this.

I haven't tested any versions of this plugin but by reading the topic it sounds great. Rather than doing many updates and adding more stuffs, I think it's better if you fix all the bugs reported on YSF and release R9-2 as a major bug fix of this plugin. Then the new features can be added on new R version so that in case if the new one got bugs to be fixed, people could still use the previous bug free version.

R10 will be a major release, which will fix every crashes and bugs I won't release R10 until it is not stable on my linux server with 15 - 20 average player.

Got you the missing patterns for Linux.
FUNC_CConsole_SetIntVariable = FindPattern("\x83\x38\x00\x74\x00\xC9\xC3", "xx?x?xx") - 0x1C; // http://puu.sh/beowN/bb334b9385.pngnl67c7...rtWaitTime = FindPattern("\x00\x00\x40\x41\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", "xxxxxxxx"); // http://puu.sh/beoRn/ebad9341b6.png
Untested, sorry.

Originally Posted by kurta999
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What is your server version? And yes, YSF can cause this.

E: I have a idea how to fix this, R10 beta will be released soon.
0.3z R4. I hope you will use the addresses gave by Mellnick there and that you will also fix the bugs with the gangzones flashing.

In the TAB player list, ping and score were shown as 0, and on the samp.exe player list, score was shown like GetPlayerScore, normally.

I never noticee this on my server anyway. But, have you use ysf.inc in another place except your gamemode? I think playerd score whose is 0, they have do not exists in YSF.

Gang zone crashes has been fixed, i.tested myself.

Originally Posted by kurta999
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I never noticee this on my server anyway. But, have you use ysf.inc in another place except your gamemode? I think playerd score whose is 0, they have do not exists in YSF.

Gang zone crashes has been fixed, i.tested myself.
No, only in my gamemode, and I use only one filterscript, in which are only the objects.

Using this plugin on my server with streamer plugin too.. will crash the server from my Filterscript with the server's maps.


I set the maxplayers to 100 in server.cfg then y connect 100 NPC

Now i set the maxplayers to 110 and the SA-MP Client will show "0/10" when i try to enter to the server, this message appears:

"The server is full, retrying..."

I can comfirm it too, i'll check it. There is something in server what I need to change.

The possibility to set the server stream distance for one player would be nice, if possible.

Originally Posted by xDarkuzSx
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I set the maxplayers to 100 in server.cfg then y connect 100 NPC

Now i set the maxplayers to 110 and the SA-MP Client will show "0/10" when i try to enter to the server, this message appears:

"The server is full, retrying..."
Because that's the behaviour of NPC, instead of showing 1/100, they actually take one slot and decrease it, so it will be 0/99, and if you have 100 NPCs (you can't connect 100 when you have 100 slots, just 99, AFAIK) and you have 110 slots, it will show that you have only 10 slots, you have to set it to 200 to show 100 slots, I don't think that this is a bug of this plugin.

Could not locate the entry point of the procedure
_crtCreateSymbolicLinkW in the dynamic link library MSVCR11.dll

Originally Posted by Tamer T
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The possibility to set the server stream distance for one player would be nice, if possible.
Would be nice yeah, but as far i know there's no piece of memory that get's read for a individual player that means it then needs to be done by hooking the function which would cause it only to work on windows until kurta finds a proper way of hooking in "linux" (for simplicity).

I didn't update the plugin for a long while, when I updated to R9, it just broke my gamemode. ZCMD was not working at all, tried to downgrade back, now on R7 I have GetWeaponName not working... Wow, it says Unknown windows server version now... 0.3z R4... :/

After further testing, it seems that R9 really breaks my server, Crashdetect spams console with warnings which do not happen with
[15:56:46] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"

Okay, I've downgraded server to 0.3zR3, and applied R8 update, Everything works except now console is being spammed with
HTTP[0:version.ysi.tl/index.php?c=2&v=3.09.0684:0] normal termination.
and other HTTP requests I do.

R9 works fine for me... So it must be your script ofc..

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