LVA problems for odd reasons

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\gangs.pwn(312) : error 004: function "CreateGangBankText" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(312) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(399) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(418) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(429) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(497) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(518) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(566) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(587) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(643) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(654) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(671) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(689) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(702) : error 004: function "CreateBankText" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(707) : error 004: function "CreateGangBankText" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\register.pwn(574) : error 017: undefined symbol "SendClientMessageToAdmins"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\register.pwn(598) : error 017: undefined symbol "add_log"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\register.pwn(661) : error 017: undefined symbol "SendClientMessageToAdmins"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\register.pwn(670) : error 017: undefined symbol "add_log"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\register.pwn(713) : error 017: undefined symbol "SendMessageToLevelAndHigher"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\register.pwn(716) : error 017: undefined symbol "add_log"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\commands.pwn(364) : error 017: undefined symbol "SendClientMessageToAdmins"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\commands.pwn(517) : error 017: undefined symbol "add_log"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\commands.pwn(579) : error 017: undefined symbol "SendClientMessageToAdmins"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\commands.pwn(653) : error 017: undefined symbol "SendClientMessageToAdmins"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\commands.pwn(734) : error 017: undefined symbol "SendClientMessageToAdmins"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

26 Errors.
i dont know why but im getting these errors when im trying to compile LVA 2_5_694

please help i been wanting to try the server for weeks now!

It maybe helps if you post your script.

#include <a_samp>

#if defined __menu__included

#define __menu__included


enum e_BANK_MENU

	Menu:mBank[ e_BANK_MENU ],
	Menu:mAmmu[ e_AMMUNATION_MENU ],


stock GenerateMenus( )
	// Generate all static menus.

	/* Create the opening bank menu for gangless players
	 * that looks like this:
	 *	24/7
	 *	 ATM
	 * o Personal
	 *	o -G-a-n-g-

	mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MAIN_NO_GANG ] = CreateMenu( "24/7", 1, 29.3, 150.0, 206.0, 0.0 );

	SetMenuColumnHeader	( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MAIN_NO_GANG ], 0, "ATM" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MAIN_NO_GANG ], 0, "Personal" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MAIN_NO_GANG ], 0, "Gang" );
	DisableMenuRow		( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MAIN_NO_GANG ], 1 );

	/* Create the opening bank menu for gang players
	 * that looks like this:
	 *	24/7
	 *	 ATM
	 * o Personal
	 *	o Gang

	mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MAIN_IN_GANG ] = CreateMenu( "24/7", 1, 29.3, 150.0, 206.0, 0.0 );

	SetMenuColumnHeader	( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MAIN_IN_GANG ], 0, "ATM" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MAIN_IN_GANG ], 0, "Personal" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MAIN_IN_GANG ], 0, "Gang" );

	/* Create the property menu for the property owner
	 * that looks like this:
	 * Property
	 *   Owner Control
	 * o Sell
	mPropertyOwner = CreateMenu( "Property", 1, 29.3, 150.0, 206.0, 0.0 );
	SetMenuColumnHeader	( mPropertyOwner, 0, "Owner Control" );
	AddMenuItem     ( mPropertyOwner, 0, "Sell" );
	/* Create the property menu for the purchase
	 * that looks like this:
	 * Property
	 *		Buyer Control
	 * o Purchase

	mPropertyBuyer = CreateMenu( "Property", 1, 29.3, 150.0, 206.0, 0.0 );

	SetMenuColumnHeader	( mPropertyBuyer, 0, "Buyer Control" );
	AddMenuItem     ( mPropertyBuyer, 0, "Purchase" );
	/* Create the "Personal ATM" personal menu
	 * that looks like this:
	 *	24/7
	 *	 Personal ATM
	 * o Deposit
	 *	o Withdraw

	mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_PERSONAL ] = CreateMenu( "24/7", 1, 29.3, 150.0, 206.0, 0.0 );

	SetMenuColumnHeader	( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_PERSONAL ], 0, "Personal ATM" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_PERSONAL ], 0, "Deposit" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_PERSONAL ], 0, "Withdraw" );
  AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_PERSONAL ], 0, " " );
	AddMenuItem     ( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_PERSONAL ], 0, "Deposit All" );
	AddMenuItem     ( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_PERSONAL ], 0, "Withdraw All" );
	DisableMenuRow		( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_PERSONAL ], 2 );

	/* Create the "Gang ATM" gang menu
	 * that looks like this:
	 *	24/7
	 *	 Gang ATM
	 * o Deposit
	 *	o Withdraw

	mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_GANG ] = CreateMenu( "24/7", 1, 29.3, 150.0, 206.0, 0.0 );

	SetMenuColumnHeader	( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_GANG ], 0, "Gang ATM" );

	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_GANG ], 0, "Deposit" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_GANG ], 0, "Withdraw" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_GANG ], 0, " " );
	AddMenuItem     ( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_GANG ], 0, "Deposit All" );
	AddMenuItem     ( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_GANG ], 0, "Withdraw All" );
	DisableMenuRow		( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_GANG ], 2 );
	/* Create the money table for selection of money values.
	 *	24/7
	 *	 Money Table
	 * o $1
	 *	o $10
	 *	o $100
	 *	o $1000
	 *	o $10000
	 *	o $100000
	 *	o $1000000
	 *	o $10000000
	 *	o $100000000

	mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ] = CreateMenu( "24/7", 1, 29.3, 133.3, 206.0, 0.0 );

	SetMenuColumnHeader	( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], 0, "Money Table" );

	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], 0, "$1" );
//	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], 0, "$2" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], 0, "$10" );
//	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], 0, "$20" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], 0, "$100" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], 0, "$1000" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], 0, "$10000" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], 0, "$100000" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], 0, "$1000000" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], 0, "$10000000" );
	AddMenuItem			( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], 0, "$100000000" );
	// Create the Ammunation Main Menu

	mAmmu[ AMMU_MENU_MAIN ] = CreateMenu( "Ammunation", 1, 29.3, 133.3, 206.0, 0.0 );
	SetMenuColumnHeader	( mAmmu[ AMMU_MENU_MAIN ], 0, "Weapon Types" );

	AddMenuItem			( mAmmu[ AMMU_MENU_MAIN ], 0, "Pistols" );
	AddMenuItem			( mAmmu[ AMMU_MENU_MAIN ], 0, "Micro SMGs" );
	AddMenuItem			( mAmmu[ AMMU_MENU_MAIN ], 0, "Shotguns" );
//	AddMenuItem			( mAmmu[ AMMU_MENU_MAIN ], 0, "Thrown" );
//	AddMenuItem			( mAmmu[ AMMU_MENU_MAIN ], 0, "Armor" );
	AddMenuItem			( mAmmu[ AMMU_MENU_MAIN ], 0, "SMG" );
	AddMenuItem			( mAmmu[ AMMU_MENU_MAIN ], 0, "Rifles" );
	AddMenuItem			( mAmmu[ AMMU_MENU_MAIN ], 0, "Assault" );
	// Generate all the sub menu's
	GenerateWeaponMenu ( "Pistols",	MENU_PISTOLS );
	GenerateWeaponMenu ( "Micro SMGs",	MENU_MICRO_SMGS );
	GenerateWeaponMenu ( "Shotguns",	MENU_SHOTGUNS );
	GenerateWeaponMenu ( "SMG",		MENU_SMG );
	GenerateWeaponMenu ( "Rifles",		MENU_RIFLES );
	GenerateWeaponMenu ( "Assault",	MENU_ASSAULT );

	return 1;

stock GenerateWeaponMenu( name[ ], Menu:type )
		tString[ 128 ];

	mAmmu[ type ] = CreateMenu( "Ammunation", 2, 29.3, 133.3, 206.0, 0.0 );

	SetMenuColumnHeader ( mAmmu[ type ], 0, name );
	SetMenuColumnHeader ( mAmmu[ type ], 1, "Bullets - Price" );

	for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof( sWeapons ); i++ )
	  if ( sWeapons[ i ][ WEAPON_SPAWN_WEAPON ] == _:type )
			format( tString, sizeof( tString ), "%d - $%d", sWeapons[ i ][ WEAPON_AMMO ], floatround( floatmul( sWeapons[ i ][ WEAPON_PRICE ], SPAWN_PRICE_RATIO ), floatround_round ) );
			AddMenuItem ( mAmmu[ type ], 0, sWeapons[ i ][ WEAPON_NAME ] );
			AddMenuItem ( mAmmu[ type ], 1, tString );

stock ShowWeaponMenu( playerid )
	TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, 0 );
	pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] = _:P_ACTIVITY_AMMU_MAIN;
	ShowMenuForPlayer( mAmmu[ AMMU_MENU_MAIN ], playerid );
	return 1;

stock OnPlayerSelectedWeaponRow( playerid, Menu:aMenuID, row )
		pMoney = GetPlayerMoney( playerid ), c, wprice;
	if ( aMenuID == mAmmu[ AMMU_MENU_MAIN ] )
		switch ( row )
			case 0: { ShowMenuForPlayer	( mAmmu[ MENU_PISTOLS ],	playerid ); pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] = _:P_ACTIVITY_AMMU_PISTOLS; }
			case 1: { ShowMenuForPlayer	( mAmmu[ MENU_MICRO_SMGS ],	playerid ); pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] = _:P_ACTIVITY_AMMU_MICRO_SMGS; }
			case 2: { ShowMenuForPlayer	( mAmmu[ MENU_SHOTGUNS ],	playerid ); pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] = _:P_ACTIVITY_AMMU_SHOTGUNS; }
			case 3: { ShowMenuForPlayer	( mAmmu[ MENU_SMG ],		playerid ); pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] = _:P_ACTIVITY_AMMU_SMG; }
			case 4: { ShowMenuForPlayer	( mAmmu[ MENU_RIFLES ],		playerid ); pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] = _:P_ACTIVITY_AMMU_RIFLES; }
			case 5: { ShowMenuForPlayer	( mAmmu[ MENU_ASSAULT ],	playerid ); pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] = _:P_ACTIVITY_AMMU_ASSAULT; }
	else if ( aMenuID == mAmmu[ MENU_PISTOLS ] )
		switch ( row )
			case 0: c = WEAPON_COLT45;
			case 1: c = WEAPON_SILENCED;
			case 2: c = WEAPON_DEAGLE;
		ShowMenuForPlayer( mAmmu[ MENU_PISTOLS ], playerid );
	else if ( aMenuID == mAmmu[ MENU_MICRO_SMGS ] )
		switch ( row )
			case 0: c = WEAPON_UZI;
			case 1: c = WEAPON_TEC9;
		ShowMenuForPlayer( mAmmu[ MENU_MICRO_SMGS ], playerid );
	else if ( aMenuID == mAmmu[ MENU_SHOTGUNS ] )
		switch ( row )
			case 0: c = WEAPON_SHOTGUN;
			case 1: c = WEAPON_SAWEDOFF;
			case 2: c = WEAPON_SHOTGSPA;
		ShowMenuForPlayer( mAmmu[ MENU_SHOTGUNS ], playerid );
	else if ( aMenuID == mAmmu[ MENU_SMG ] )
		switch ( row )
			case 0: c = WEAPON_MP5;
		ShowMenuForPlayer( mAmmu[ MENU_SMG ], playerid );
	else if ( aMenuID == mAmmu[ MENU_RIFLES ] )
		switch ( row )
			case 0: c = WEAPON_RIFLE;
			case 1: c = WEAPON_SNIPER;
		ShowMenuForPlayer( mAmmu[ MENU_RIFLES ], playerid );
	else if ( aMenuID == mAmmu[ MENU_ASSAULT ] )
		switch ( row )
			case 0: c = WEAPON_AK47;
			case 1: c = WEAPON_M4;
		ShowMenuForPlayer( mAmmu[ MENU_ASSAULT ], playerid );
	else return 0;
	if ( c )
			slot = GetWeaponSlot( c );
		wprice = floatround( floatmul( sWeapons[ c ][ WEAPON_PRICE ], SPAWN_PRICE_RATIO ), floatround_round );

		if ( pMoney >= wprice && ( pData[ playerid ][ P_SPAWN_AMMO ][ slot ] + sWeapons[ c ][ WEAPON_AMMO ] ) <= 9999 )
			AC_GivePlayerMoney		( playerid,	-wprice );
			if ( !pData[ playerid ][ P_NO_WEAPON_AREA ] )
				GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, c, sWeapons[ c ][ WEAPON_AMMO ] );
			  pData[ playerid ][ P_TEMP_WEAPONS ][ slot ] =	c;
			  pData[ playerid ][ P_TEMP_AMMO ][ slot ]  +=	sWeapons[ c ][ WEAPON_AMMO ];
			GivePlayerWeapon( playerid, c, sWeapons[ c ][ WEAPON_AMMO ] );
			pData[ playerid ][ P_SPAWN_WEAPONS ][ slot ]	= c;
			pData[ playerid ][ P_SPAWN_AMMO ][ slot ]		+= sWeapons[ c ][ WEAPON_AMMO ];
		return 1;
	else return 0;

stock ShowBankMenu( playerid )
	TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, 0 );
  pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] = _:P_ACTIVITY_BANK;
  TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK_TEXT ] );
	TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK_TEXT ] );
	if ( !IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
		ShowMenuForPlayer( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MAIN_NO_GANG ], playerid );
		ShowMenuForPlayer( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MAIN_IN_GANG ], playerid );
		TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK_TEXT ] );
		TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK_TEXT ] );
	return 1;

stock GetBankMenuID( Menu:MenuID )
	for ( new bMenuID = 0; bMenuID < _:e_BANK_MENU; bMenuID++ )
		if ( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU:bMenuID ] == MenuID )
			return bMenuID;

stock ShowPropertyMenu( playerid )
		iPropertyID = pData[ playerid ][ P_CHECKPOINT_AREA ] - _:CP_ZIP;
  TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, 0 );
  pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] = _:P_ACTIVITY_PROPERTY;
  if ( gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_OWNER ] == playerid )
		ShowMenuForPlayer( mPropertyOwner, playerid );
	else if ( gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_CAN_BE_BOUGHT ] )
		ShowMenuForPlayer( mPropertyBuyer, playerid );

stock OnPlayerSelectedPropertyRow( playerid, Menu:menu, row )
	#pragma unused row
	if ( menu != mPropertyBuyer && menu != mPropertyOwner )
		return 0;
		iPropertyID = pData[ playerid ][ P_CHECKPOINT_AREA ] - _:CP_ZIP;

	if ( gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_OWNER ] == playerid )
		// Player owns the property so he could be selling it!
	  gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_OWNER ]			= INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
	  gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_CAN_BE_BOUGHT ]	= 1;

		AC_GivePlayerMoney	( playerid, gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_PRICE ] );
		ShowMenuForPlayer	( mPropertyBuyer, playerid );
		if ( gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_CAN_BE_BOUGHT ] )
			// Not owner so this means he could be buying it!
				iMoney = GetPlayerMoney( playerid );

			if ( iMoney < gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_PRICE ] )
				ShowMenuForPlayer( mPropertyBuyer, playerid );

				AC_GivePlayerMoney( playerid, -gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_PRICE ] );
			  if ( gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_OWNER ] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID )
						szString[ 128 ];
					GetPlayerName	( playerid, szString, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
					format			( szString, sizeof( szString ), "* Your property, the %s has been bought out by %s (ID:%d).", gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_NAME ], szString, playerid );
					SendClientMessage	( gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_OWNER ], COLOR_ORANGE, szString );
					AC_GivePlayerMoney	( gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_OWNER ], gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_PRICE ] );
			  ShowMenuForPlayer( mPropertyOwner, playerid );
				gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_OWNER ]			= playerid;
			  gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_CAN_BE_BOUGHT ] = 0;
				gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_TICKS ]			= gPropertyData[ iPropertyID ][ PROPERTY_TIME ];
			ShowMenuForPlayer( mPropertyBuyer, playerid );
	return 1;

stock OnPlayerSelectedBankRow( playerid, e_BANK_MENU:bMenuID, row )
	new c = 0;
	switch ( bMenuID )
			ShowMenuForPlayer( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_PERSONAL ], playerid );

			switch ( row )
				case 0:	ShowMenuForPlayer( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_PERSONAL ], playerid );
				case 1:	ShowMenuForPlayer( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_SECONDARY_GANG ], playerid );

			switch ( row )
				case 0:
					pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] = _:P_BANK_DEPOSIT;
					ShowMenuForPlayer( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], playerid );
				case 1:
					pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] = _:P_BANK_WITHDRAW;
					ShowMenuForPlayer( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], playerid );
				case 3:
				{	// Deposit All (pbank)
						pMoney = GetPlayerMoney( playerid );
				  if ( pMoney > 0 )
						if ( pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK ] < PERSONAL_BANK_LIMIT )
							if ( ( pMoney + pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK ] ) > PERSONAL_BANK_LIMIT )
								pMoney = ( PERSONAL_BANK_LIMIT - pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK ] );

              AC_GivePlayerMoney( playerid, -pMoney );
							pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK ] += pMoney;

					// Hide the bank text for the player.
					TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK_TEXT ] );

					// If IsPlayerInAnyGang then hide the gang bank text.
					if ( IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
						TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK_TEXT ] );

					ShowBankMenu( playerid );

					c = 1;
				case 4:
				{	// Withdraw All (pbank)
				  if ( pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK ] > 0 )
					  AC_GivePlayerMoney( playerid, pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK ] );
						pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK ] = 0;

					// Hide the bank text for the player.
					TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK_TEXT ] );

					// If IsPlayerInAnyGang then hide the gang bank text.
					if ( IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
						TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK_TEXT ] );

					ShowBankMenu( playerid );

					c = 1;

			switch ( row )
				case 0:
					pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] = _:G_BANK_DEPOSIT;

					ShowMenuForPlayer( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], playerid );
				case 1:
					pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] = _:G_BANK_WITHDRAW;

					ShowMenuForPlayer( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], playerid );
				case 3:
					// Deposit All (gbank)
						pMoney = GetPlayerMoney( playerid );

					if ( pMoney > 0 )
						if ( IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) && gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK ] < GANG_BANK_LIMIT )
							if ( ( pMoney + gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK ] ) > GANG_BANK_LIMIT )
								pMoney = ( GANG_BANK_LIMIT - gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK ] );
              AC_GivePlayerMoney( playerid, -pMoney );
							gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK ] += pMoney;

					// Hide the bank text for the player.
					TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK_TEXT ] );

					// If IsPlayerInAnyGang then hide the gang bank text.
					if ( IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
						TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK_TEXT ] );

					ShowBankMenu( playerid );

					c = 2;
				case 4:
				{	// Withdraw All (gbank)
					if ( gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK ] > 0 )
						AC_GivePlayerMoney( playerid, gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK ] );
						gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK ] = 0;

					// Hide the bank text for the player.
					TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK_TEXT ] );

					// If IsPlayerInAnyGang then hide the gang bank text.
					if ( IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
						TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK_TEXT ] );

					ShowBankMenu( playerid );

					c = 2;

				pMoney = GetPlayerMoney( playerid ),
				mMoney = power( 10, row );

			if ( pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] == _:P_BANK_DEPOSIT )
				if ( pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK ] < PERSONAL_BANK_LIMIT )
				  if ( ( mMoney + pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK ] ) > PERSONAL_BANK_LIMIT )
				    mMoney = ( PERSONAL_BANK_LIMIT - pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK ] );
					return ShowBankMenu(playerid);
ive cut it short cause of limit

Originally Posted by Turricane
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\gangs.pwn(312) : error 004: function "CreateGangBankText" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(312) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(399) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(418) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(429) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(497) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(518) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(566) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(587) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(643) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(654) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(671) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(689) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(702) : error 004: function "CreateBankText" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn(707) : error 004: function "CreateGangBankText" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\register.pwn(574) : error 017: undefined symbol "SendClientMessageToAdmins"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\register.pwn(598) : error 017: undefined symbol "add_log"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\register.pwn(661) : error 017: undefined symbol "SendClientMessageToAdmins"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\register.pwn(670) : error 017: undefined symbol "add_log"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\register.pwn(713) : error 017: undefined symbol "SendMessageToLevelAndHigher"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\register.pwn(716) : error 017: undefined symbol "add_log"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\commands.pwn(364) : error 017: undefined symbol "SendClientMessageToAdmins"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\commands.pwn(517) : error 017: undefined symbol "add_log"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\commands.pwn(579) : error 017: undefined symbol "SendClientMessageToAdmins"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\commands.pwn(653) : error 017: undefined symbol "SendClientMessageToAdmins"
C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\commands.pwn(734) : error 017: undefined symbol "SendClientMessageToAdmins"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

26 Errors.
i dont know why but im getting these errors when im trying to compile LVA 2_5_694

please help i been wanting to try the server for weeks now!

You are probably missing one of the includes.
Check your includes, if you've downloaded some cool include, and you're using its functions you have to do that "<includename>" at the top of your script.

  			else if ( pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] == _:G_BANK_DEPOSIT )
  			  if ( !IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
						return ShowBankMenu( playerid );
				if ( gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK ] < GANG_BANK_LIMIT )
				  if ( ( mMoney + gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK ] ) > GANG_BANK_LIMIT )
				    mMoney = ( GANG_BANK_LIMIT - gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK ] );
					return ShowBankMenu(playerid);

			switch ( pData[ playerid ][ P_ACTIVITY ] )
				case P_BANK_DEPOSIT :
					if ( pMoney >= mMoney )
						pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK ] += mMoney;
						AC_GivePlayerMoney( playerid, -mMoney );
						ShowMenuForPlayer( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], playerid );
						c = 1;
					if ( pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK ] >= mMoney )
						pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK ] -= mMoney;
						AC_GivePlayerMoney( playerid, mMoney );
						ShowMenuForPlayer( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], playerid );
						c = 1;
				case G_BANK_DEPOSIT:
				  if ( !IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
						ShowBankMenu( playerid );
				    return 0;
				  if ( pMoney >= mMoney )
				    gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK ] += mMoney;
						AC_GivePlayerMoney( playerid, -mMoney );
						ShowMenuForPlayer( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], playerid );
						c = 2;

				  if ( !IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
						ShowBankMenu( playerid );
				    return 0;
          if ( gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK ] >= mMoney )
				    gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK ] -= mMoney;
						AC_GivePlayerMoney( playerid, mMoney );
						ShowMenuForPlayer( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], playerid );
						c = 2;
			ShowMenuForPlayer( mBank[ e_BANK_MENU_MONEY_TABLE ], playerid );
	if ( c == 1 )
		pData[ playerid ][ P_BANK_TEXT ] = CreateBankText( playerid );

	if ( c == 2 && IsPlayerInAnyGang( playerid ) )
		gData[ pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] ][ G_BANK_TEXT ] = CreateGangBankText( pData[ playerid ][ P_GANG_ID ] );
	return 1;

	End Of Include:, Simon Campbell
excuse the double post

and im sure i got the includes i think im gonna paste bin the whole of it for you guys to see 1 sec

Originally Posted by Turricane
excuse the double post

and im sure i got the includes i think im gonna paste bin the whole of it for you guys to see 1 sec
Well I think you haven't got that include cuz you have only 1 main include

pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
and that AC_GivePlayerMoney is not from a_samp include I guess...

C:\Documents and Settings\JohnPC\My Documents\SAMP\pawno\include\lva_inc\lva\menu.pwn( 312) : error 004: function "AC_GivePlayerMoney" is not implemented

could you help set the include then i have no idea i believe its just so the script has a place to look up what it means? like a define?

mmh either way could you assist in actually including this i have found AC_GivePlayerMoney or w.e in the lva_h so i added this to the include however it cannot read of the file now

Originally Posted by Turricane

could you help set the include then i have no idea i believe its just so the script has a place to look up what it means? like a define?

mmh either way could you assist in actually including this i have found AC_GivePlayerMoney or w.e in the lva_h so i added this to the include however it cannot read of the file now
That include should be , copy/paste it into your include folder. And then at the top of your script add
pawn Code:
#include <includeName>
So if that include's called "lva_h" it would be
pawn Code:
#include <lva_h>

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