Does anyone knows how to fix this?

I got this when I do my command "/kupistan" and it crashes my server. With crashdetect and -d3 flag I got this
pawn Код:
[12:06:05] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"
[12:06:05] [debug]  Unknown opcode 0x2700 at address 0x0000006B
[12:06:05] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[12:06:05] [debug] #0 0000006b in public cmd_kupistan () at D:\Northern_Lights_RPG_Mod\Lucky Star\pawno\include\
[12:06:05] [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () [00472ad0] from samp-server.exe
[12:06:05] [debug] #2 0000ca6c in ?? (... <11 arguments>) at D:\Northern_Lights_RPG_Mod\Lucky Star\pawno\include\
[12:06:05] [debug] #3 0000007d in public OnPlayerCommandText () at D:\Northern_Lights_RPG_Mod\Lucky Star\pawno\include\
[12:06:05] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"
[12:06:05] [debug]  Unknown opcode 0xc000000 at address 0x0000007D
[12:06:05] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[12:06:05] [debug] #0 ???????? in public OnPlayerCommandText ()
SO it says I got errors in my zcmd and float includes how to fix that what should I do?

First of all, show us your /kupistan command.

Originally Posted by HazardouS
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First of all, show us your /kupistan command.

pawn Код:
CMD:kupistan(playerid, params[])
    if(PI[playerid][Stan] != -1) return SCM(playerid, GRAD2, "  (greska) Vi vec posedujete stan!");
    for(new i; i < sizeof(Stanx); i++)
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0, Stanx[i][sUlazX], Stanx[i][sUlazY], Stanx[i][sUlazZ]))
            if(!strcmp(Stanx[i][sVlasnik], "Niko", true) && Stanx[i][sImaVlasnika] == 0)
                if(PI[playerid][Nivo] < Stanx[i][sNivo]) return SCMF(playerid, GRAD2, "(greska) Potreban Vam je nivo %d za ovaj stan!", Stanx[i][sNivo]);
                if(PI[playerid][Novac] < Stanx[i][sCena]) return SCM(playerid, GRAD2, "  (greska) Nemate dovoljno novca za ovaj stan!");
                new hIme[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
                RPIme(playerid, hIme);
                strmid(Stanx[i][sVlasnik], hIme, 0, strlen(hIme), 255);
                Stanx[i][sImaVlasnika] = 1;
                PI[playerid][Stan] = i;
                SetPlayerInterior(playerid, Stanx[i][sEnterijer]);
                SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, Stanx[i][sVW]);
                SetPlayerPos_H(playerid, Stanx[i][sIzlazX], Stanx[i][sIzlazY], Stanx[i][sIzlazZ]);
                SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Stanx[i][sIzlazA]);
                SCM(playerid, BELA, "Cestitamo, kupili ste stan! Upisite /stan za komande stana.");
                NovacMinus(playerid, Stanx[i][sCena]);
                MayorInfo[1][Budzet] += Stanx[i][sCena];
                EntID[playerid] = i;
                PI[playerid][Spawn] = SPAWN_STAN;
                PI[playerid][Renta] = -1;
                PI[playerid][RentaHotel] = -1;
                new kkk[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], upit[128];
                ImeIgraca(playerid, kkk);
                format(upit, 128, "UPDATE `igraci` SET `Stan` = '%d', `Spawn` = '0', `Renta` = '-1', `RentaHotel` = '-1' WHERE `Ime` = '%s'", PI[playerid][Stan], kkk);
                mysql_query(upit, THREAD_OSTALO);
                format(CmdString, 100, "| KUPOVINA - STAN | Igrac: %s | ID: %d", kkk, i);
                UpisiLog(FAJL_PRIMOVINELOG, CmdString);
                format(upit, 128, "UPDATE `stanovi` SET `ImaVlasnika` = '1', `Vlasnik` = '%s' WHERE `ID` = '%d'", hIme, i);
                mysql_query(upit, THREAD_OSTALO);
                SCM(playerid, GRAD2, "  (greska) Ovaj stan nije slobodan!");
    return 1;

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