[GameMode] Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete)

Originally Posted by Abagail
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Never thought of that... I will probably add a vehicle chatting animation if I get any time... If you've noticed I haven't really been pulling out updates a lot due to being super busy IRL.
Using of Single-Player's car chat animations would be nice. Awesome!

Alright, I'll try to make that update soon. I might have some spare time today. I'll also be releasing an update featuring password changing(currently only for non-admin accounts).

EDIT: The password changing has been completed. I just need to do the car chatting animation and everything will be good to go.

The kick command doesn't work properly, no matter what you do (even if you're on admin duty) you can't kick anyone, what it says is as following: They aren't connected, or have a higher admin rank than you. and the person I am trying to kick isn't even an administrator, just a regular player. I have tried to solve it myself, but I have no clue what it might be. Suggestion?

I'll look into it and edit this post with the fix. Have you modified the command at all?

Originally Posted by Abagail
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I'll look into it and edit this post with the fix. Have you modified the command at all?
I got it working, created a topic about it and some guy fixed it for me I got some issues adding a new dialog though. If you got time, I can send you the code. I am a newbie scripter, and the dialog do show up but it doesn't work properly and it doesn't save.

That's been fixed. I have started a new github for the project till my site gets fixed(and maybe even beyond). The latest .pwn file can be found here,

Great game mode !

Abigail what is the point in making a server is your releasing the script?

Originally Posted by Abagail
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That's been fixed. I have started a new github for the project till my site gets fixed(and maybe even beyond). The latest .pwn file can be found here,
Good, i've forked it and done some changes, here you can see what i've done: https://github.com/iFarbod/Xenon-Gam...ongamingrp.pwn

Pretty good. Like amazing!

I haven't looked at the whole script but correct me if I'm wrong you are using cache_get_row but I do believe you are supposed to use cache_get_field_content as you're getting the content that's inside the field(rows, w/e).

Plus for floats you should you cache_get_row_float or if you are using cache_get_field_content which I do suggest using use cache_get_field_content_float.

(e.g - Player[playerid][PositionX] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "PosX");

That is the correct way of using floats, and integers.

UPDATE 4/19/2019:
- Players are now frozen(along with having their camera set behind them) when they are kicked or banned from the server.
- Added the RC3(300-311) skins to the list of valid skins if the player specified(if any) has RC3 or above.
- Added a "you have been poked" message when an admin pokes a player.
- Added a /freeze command(along with a more correlated TogglePlayerControllable function) which freezes / unfreezes a player.
- Added a /setworld command to set a player's world(along with: IsValidWorld and SetPlayerWorldEx).

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