Make map icons only appear on mini map when you're close


I'd like some opinions on what the best way to make map icons only appear on the mini map/HUD when you're close/within a distance to them.


The easiest way would be to use the Streamer plugin, it does this automatically. However, there's also a native way to do it but you cannot "set the range" - well you kinda can but...
See this and use MAPICON_LOCAL for map icon style:

I've almost never used map icons, but I read here and I think that you should use style 0.
0: MAPICON_LOCAL                Display in the player's local area
1: MAPICON_GLOBAL               Display always
2: MAPICON_LOCAL_CHECKPOINT     Display in the player's local area and has a checkpoint marker
3: MAPICON_GLOBAL_CHECKPOINT    Display always and has a checkpoint marker

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