Health bar gone on new laptop

Okay earlier this week I bought new laptop. Players health bars are missing.
Windows 8
Intel Core 1.70 GHz
4.00 GB RAM
64 Bit operating system

You're not alone, and check out this topic and try what it says:

Samp has got some probs with Windows 8 and that. It's probably caused by DX11 or 12. GTA supports DX9 tho.

I do use 8.1 Pro and I haven't came across with the same issue before. Better install all runtimes for x64 and x86 versions and upgrade your graphic & directx.

Try running SA-MP and GTA SA in backward compatibility and also check whether the display settings (including advanced) are all right.

Originally Posted by GreenSt4lker
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Samp has got some probs with Windows 8 and that. It's probably caused by DX11 or 12. GTA supports DX9 tho.
Actually i am running on 11 DirectX and i didn't encounter the problem
Anyway i run windows 7
Originally Posted by vishalboy213
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No health bar fix

This works for Windows 8(64bit), Intel HD Graphics 4000
Not too sure whether it works on other computers but i'm pretty sure it works for the above specs I mentioned.
Doesn't work on 32bit, so don't try it on 32bit and then start complaining.

How to install
Extract the .rar file wherever you want
Open up the folder where you extracted the .rar file
Double click on the setup and then carry on with whatever it says

Credits to Hound

After you've done@How to install, turn off the intel graphics drivers from updating automatically.
Incase you don't know how to do the above, follow the steps below

Click on devices + printers on the start menu
Now, right click on the PC image(should only be one)
Click on "device installation settings" > Click on "No, let me choose what to do." > Click on "Never install driver software from updates"

Download link:

Read everything before you do something wrong ~~ Only for 64 bit, don't try this on 32 bit
try to read the this quote

Had the same issue, I just re-installed samp and it worked for me again.

I'm running on windows 8.1, try updating dx9 (this probably won't solve anything, but try), if that doesn't help, try just changing resolution to smaller size, and than back to max again

Try changing compatibility mode ...

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