[FilterScript] Submarine (Torpedo's, Lifeboat's ...)

Introduction & Features
So, when I saw the "superman" script, I thought of creating an rather, unique submarine script.
Ofcourse there are other Submarine scripts, but those ones just have an object around a boat.

But in this one.. You can control the submarine, shoot torpedo's and deploy lifeboat's, if something happens to your submarine!
The code was fully made by me, but Virtual1ty helped me fix some bugs and optimize the script! It's stable enough for you to have fun.

Full feature list;
Up to 20 submarines(not tested), fully working torpedo's (4 per submarine), fully operational(movement, steering ...), deployable and "reloadable" lifeboats.
VERSION 1.7: Added a HUD to display about the Submarine's status!
VERSION 2.0.0(FINAL): Submarine is now DESTROYABLE!

All known bugs are FIXED!

To be added/fixed list

2014, 23rd August. Version 2.0.0 - Final release
- The submarine now can be destroyed(when shooting at it!)
- Fixed some minor bugs in OnPlayerWeaponShot
- Damage dealt shower is now as accurate as it can get :p
2014, 18th August. Version 1.8.1
- Changed the way the HUD timer works
- Fixed minor HUD/TextDraw bugs
- HUD only updates in the Timer 
- Added "Direction" ( shows in which direction the sub is going )
2014, 18th August. Version 1.8
- Minor bug fixes with the HUD, such as:
 * Accidently used "TextDrawDestroy" instead of "TextDrawHideForPlayer", when the player exits/enters the submarine
- Fixed some bugs with the HUD timer, such as: ( not fully tested :l )
 * All players being teleported to the newest submarine, HUD giving false information ...
- Increased range check for the Torpedo's explosion
2014, 17th August. Version 1.7
- Added a HUD, to 'indicate'/display information about the submarine, such as:
 * Remaining Torpedo's
 * Has Lifeboat or not
 * Armour
 * Altitude
 * Speed(knots) - Not so accurate :p
- Did some other minor changes to the code..
2014, 16th August. Version 1.6
- Decreased forward speed
- Fixed a bug where the (next(2nd, 3rd and 4th)) torpedo would start It's "route" from the explosion/stop part.
- Fixed a bug with Max Height and Max Depth incorrectly showing( FULLY FIXED NOW! )
- Fixed a bug where If the filterscript was reloaded, It would spawn you in Blueberry 
- You can't load more than 1 torpedo now(to avoid some bugs)
2014, 15th August. Version 1.5
- Official release
- Fixed a bug with a false "Max Height Reached" (possibly, not tested yet)
- Fixed a bug with the Lifeboat not being "loaded back"( due to getting Players position, instead of submarines )
- Fixed a bug where "gPlayerState" wasn't correctly set, and caused you not being able to enter the submarine
- Fixed a bug where the Torpedo's wouldn't be shooting at the correct positions, nor the object creating (not tested yet)
- Decreased speed when going backwards
- Improved the Max Depth and Max Height detector
1080p available!

Download links
Version 2.0.0

Version 1.8.1
Version 1.8
Verison 1.7
Version 1.6

Version 1.5
Any other information(such as the needed includes, plugins, how to install ...) can be found in the WinRar file.

Interesting! Good job

Unique, good job.

Gonna give it a try

Originally Posted by Cannary2048
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Unique, good job.
Originally Posted by Uberanwar
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Interesting! Good job
Thank you.
Originally Posted by iNiko
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Gonna give it a try
I hope you will like it

Nice job!

Nice idea
But you should add like slowly ascending and descending the speed.
In the video your speed goes to top as soon as u press up arrow
and while moving forward as soon as you press down arrow the submarine immediately stops and start moving in opposite direction
Which looks very un-natural...

Originally Posted by BroZeus
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Nice idea
But you should add like slowly ascending and descending the speed.
In the video your speed goes to top as soon as u press up arrow
and while moving forward as soon as you press down arrow the submarine immediately stops and start moving in opposite direction
Which looks very un-natural...
It will look messy then( in the way I'm thinking to make it ), and I doubt that I would make it successfully.

Anyways, added Version 1.7.
Download link;

Very nice work indeed, thanks for adding my name to the credits: )

Just test the condition in "destroysubmarine" cmd as I didn't, should work I guess (the range check).

Originally Posted by Virtual1ty
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Very nice work indeed, thanks for adding my name to the credits: )

Just test the condition in "destroysubmarine" cmd as I didn't, should work I guess (the range check).
No problem, you deserve it
Eh, I don't see any range check in there

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