Help - Why can I find any talented help?

So, I've posted multiple, detailed posts in the correct locations within this server... None of them have gotten any real feed back. I'm starting to think I am going about finding a scripter in the wrong manner...

I have offered probably one of the best compensations for a game mode, sure my project is a bit COMPLEX... but I have offered a very high compensation package with room to earn more...

So what am I doing wrong? I simply need a RP server scripted, and seems like I cant get anyone to offer their services other then kids who cant make it past my first Skype "interview"... I've sent PM's to people like *****, and other well known scripters on this forum, and none seem appealed by my $2000 incentive... Why is that?

If anyone could point me in the right direction, maybe another small board of scripters with Pawno/Samp knowledge, etc.. that would be VERY helpful...

I know plenty of communities have came and gone, and most projects hiring scripters are mediocre or some edit...

BUT THIS IS A REAL PROJECT, and I am in desperate need of a dedicated, effecient and talented scripter

Ps. Im just simply wanting to know whats the best way to get in touch with the talent I seek...

Zane Field

Most talented scripters here doesn't care how much they can earn if the project isn't something they want to do.
I recommend learning SA-MP pawn scripting and start with the GM yourself. I would be happy to help if you get stuck on something but my skills in pawn is not enough to help you with the full GM

i cant script at all, no doubt lol but i can edit to shit lol thats how you get started mate.. simple editing turns into learning.. if you do it enough im sure its like reading a book maybe or not but does get easier and im sure alot cheaper lol

Most oldschool scripters arent interested in someone elses projects but - if still scripting at all - just do their own stuff. The "scripter job" once was famous here, but now barely anyone does that. So asking them to script for you wont work.
Youll have to get people interested in your project, and wait for guys asking to participate. Most of them probably wont be experienced enough for the job, but you might find someone suitable for your project.
But after all the solution would be to learn scripting yourself. Noone can realize the ideas in your head better you could.

I read your post about your ideas.
It is alot of stuff that will be time consuming, even for experienced scripters.
$2000 may sound alot, but taken in consideration of how much time the scripter will spend getting all the stuffs done and working, it simply is not worth it.
I also think the experienced scripters around here have jobs that pays alot more per hour then this offer you give, so i understand that only kids have shown any interest in this.

$2000 would be about 200 hours work which is a pretty low rate which should net you 20,000 - 25,000 lines of code.

I understand you need a gamemode, but would you really shell out $2000? Just for a gamemode? I would not even shell out that much money to anyone just for a game.. Its easier to learn it yourself honestly.

So for a project as I've listed elsewhere, what would be an ideal rate? And yes.. I myself don't have the patience to learn 3-4 years worth of scripting talent simply to start a community. What I do have is the financial backing for someone to benefit from by providing their skills..

Pottus, Would $4000 be enough, I now a few bigger servers that sold out for maybe double that, but that's 75% of the community base that made the value so high, not exactly the script.

I'm willing to work with any mature, and highly experienced scripters.. I can make it worth your time.. Take a second to speak to me about the concept and what kind of compensation I can offer you... <-- Seems to appeal only to kids as stated previously, and foreign amatures...

Still looking for a finger in the right direction!

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