Checkpoint Streamer Bug

Hey guys, I have run into quite a weird problem which I have never encountered before.

I just placed my 20th checkpoint in my script, using Incognito's Streamer, and now for some reason when I place the 20th one, my 3rd checkpoint stops working, I place another checkpoint and then yet another checkpoint stops working.
When I say stop working, I mean they still show up for the player but when you enter them, they do nothing.

Everything in my script is correct and I just don't know why this is happening.

I gave it a nice thorough look for about 30 minutes and I just couldn't come up with a reason why this is happening, all of the id's are ordered correctly and also all the cases are linked up perfectly with the checkpoint id's. It's just weird now that when I add a new checkpoint, an old one stops working.

Anyone know what might be the problem?

can you provide the code please so we can check?



#include <streamer>

new Checkpoint [MAX_PLAYERS];

under OnPlayerSpawn

Checkpoint[0] = CreateDynamicCP(-2112.7422,-753.4459,32.1719, 2, -1, -1, -1, 10); // Enter Store //
Checkpoint[1] = CreateDynamicCP(-2112.7422,-753.4459,32.1719, 2, -1, -1, -1, 10); // Exit Store //
Checkpoint[2] = CreateDynamicCP(295.7549,-38.3972,1001.5156, 2, -1, 1, -1, 10); // Ammunation Dialog Market //
Checkpoint[3] = CreateDynamicCP(1939.9860,-1771.2769,13.3906, 2, -1, 0, -1, 10); // Petrol Idlewood //
Checkpoint[4] = CreateDynamicCP(1685.8761,-2335.4973,13.5469, 2, -1, 0, -1, 10); // Airways Entrance //
Checkpoint[5] = CreateDynamicCP(315.7267,1026.2152,1949.4008, 2, -1, 9, -1, 10); // Skydive Dialog //
Checkpoint[6] = CreateDynamicCP(315.8065,972.7241,1961.7169, 2, -1, 9, -1, 10); // Airways Exit //
Checkpoint[7] = CreateDynamicCP(2027.6025,-1406.3354,17.2111, 2, -1, 0, -1, 10); // Hospital Jefferson //
Checkpoint[8] = CreateDynamicCP(1172.0770,-1323.4292,15.4032, 2, -1, 0, -1, 10); // Hospital Market //
Checkpoint[9] = CreateDynamicCP(1001.0299,-935.4196,42.1797, 2, -1, 0, -1, 10); // Petrol Mulholland //
Checkpoint[10] = CreateDynamicCP(657.5551,-570.3030,16.3359, 2, -1, 0, -1, 10); // Petrol Dillimore //
Checkpoint[11] = CreateDynamicCP(1383.7936,460.8412,20.0972, 2, -1, 0, -1, 10); // Petrol Montgomery //
Checkpoint[12] = CreateDynamicCP(-30.2348,-55.6318,1003.5469, 2, -1, 6, -1, 10); // 24/7 Commerce Dialog //
Checkpoint[13] = CreateDynamicCP(1368.6726,-1279.0184,13.5469, 1, -1, 0, -1, 10); // Ammunation Market Enter //
Checkpoint[14] = CreateDynamicCP(285.4913,-41.8041,1001.5156, 1, -1, 1, -1, 10); // Ammunation Market Exit //
Checkpoint[15] = CreateDynamicCP(1555.0160,-1675.0308,16.1953, 1, -1, 0, -1, 10); // LSPD Enter //
Checkpoint[16] = CreateDynamicCP(246.8640,62.3215,1003.6406, 1, -1, 6, -1, 10); // LSPD Exit //
Checkpoint[17] = CreateDynamicCP(1352.2979,-1759.2493,13.5078, 1, -1, 0, -1, 10); // 24 7 Commerce Enter //
Checkpoint[18] = CreateDynamicCP(-26.6681,-58.2642,1003.5469, 1, -1, 6, -1, 10); // 24 7 Commerce Exit //
Checkpoint[19] = CreateDynamicCP(2400.3748,-1981.9937,13.5469, 1, -1, 0, -1, 10); // Ammunation Willowfield Enter //
Checkpoint[20] = CreateDynamicCP(296.8109,-112.0679,1001.5156, 1, -1, 6, -1, 10); // Ammunation Willowfield Exit //
Checkpoint[21] = CreateDynamicCP(290.1359,-109.7811,1001.5156, 1, -1, 6, -1, 10); // Ammunation Willowfield Dialog //
Checkpoint[22] = CreateDynamicCP(1837.0398,-1682.3647,13.3228, 1, -1, 0, -1, 10); // Alhambra Enter //
Checkpoint[23] = CreateDynamicCP(493.5882,-24.9520,1000.6719, 1, -1, 17, -1, 10); // Alhambra Exit //
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
	   if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[0]) // Enter Store
		  SetPlayerPos(playerid, 100, 100, 100);
		  SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 1);
	   if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[1]) // Exit Store
		  SetPlayerPos(playerid, 100, 100, 100);
		  SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
	   if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[2]) // Ammunation Dialog Market
    	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Ammunation Menu", "Baseball Bat\t\t$100\nSawn-Off Shotgun\t$2000\nCombat Shotgun\t$1000\nM4\t\t\t$2000\nMP5\t\t\t$1500\nAK-47\t\t\t$1500\nSniper Rifle\t\t$1500\nTec-9\t\t\t$1000\nArmour\t\t\t$500", "Select", "Exit");//Show them the dialog.
	   if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[3]) // Petrol Dialog Idlewood
       ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Petrol Station Menu", "Repair Vehicle\nAdd Nitrous\nMolotovs\t$1000", "Select", "Exit");//Show them the dialog.
	   if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[4]) // Airways LS Marker
	   switch(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) <1000)
	   case 1:
          SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "A Minimum of $1000 is Required to Travel.");

         SetPlayerPos(playerid, 315.7090,983.4100,1959.2788);
         SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 180);
         SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 9);
         SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Welcome to OzzieCoq Airways.");

	   if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[5]) // Skydive Dialog
       ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 3, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Skydive Menu", "Angel Pine\t\t$1000\nBayside\t\t$1000\nBlueberry\t\t$1000\nFort Carson\t\t$1000\nMontgomery\t\t$1000\nPalomino\t\t$1000\nVerdant Meadows\t$1000", "Select", "Exit");//Show them the dialog.
	   if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[6]) // Airways Exit
       SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1685.8247,-2330.1519,13.5469);
	   SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
       SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You have left OzzieCoq Airways.");
	   if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[7]) // Hospital Menu Jefferson
       ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 4, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Hospital Menu", "Heal\t\t\t\t$100\nCure STD/Snakebite\t\t$500\nAntibiotics\t\t\t$2000", "Select", "Exit");//Show them the dialog.
	   if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[8]) // Hospital Menu Market
       ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 4, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Hospital Menu", "Heal\t\t\t\t$100\nCure STD/Snakebite\t\t$500\nAntibiotics\t\t\t$2000", "Select", "Exit");//Show them the dialog.
	   if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[9]) // Petrol Dialog Mullholland
       ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Petrol Station Menu", "Repair Vehicle\nAdd Nitrous\nMolotovs\t$1000", "Select", "Exit");//Show them the dialog.
	   if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[10]) // Petrol Dialog Dillimore
       ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Petrol Station Menu", "Repair Vehicle\nAdd Nitrous\nMolotovs\t$1000", "Select", "Exit");//Show them the dialog.
	   if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[11]) // Petrol Dialog Montgomery
       ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Petrol Station Menu", "Repair Vehicle\nAdd Nitrous\nMolotovs\t$1000", "Select", "Exit");//Show them the dialog.
       if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[12]) // 24/7 Commerce Shop
       ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 5, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "24/7 Shop Menu", "Cane\t\t\t$100\nChainsaw\t\t$1000\nHandgun\t\t$500\nFlowers\t\t$250\nCamera\t\t\t$500\nParachute\t\t$500\nRob the 24/7", "Select", "Exit");//Show them the dialog.
       if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[13]) // Ammunation Market Enter
       SetPlayerPos(playerid, 287.2228,-39.6838,1001.5156);
       SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 1);
       if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[14]) // Ammunation Market Exit
       SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1365.3500,-1279.0601,13.5469);
       SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
       if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[15]) // LSPD Enter
       SetPlayerPos(playerid, 246.7840,63.9002,1003.6406);
       SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 6);
       if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[16]) // LSPD Exit
       SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1552.4471,-1674.9868,16.1953);
       SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
       if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[17]) // LSPD Enter
       SetPlayerPos(playerid, -26.6910,-55.7145,1003.5469);
       SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 6);
       if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[18]) // LSPD Exit
       SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1352.3300,-1755.7100,13.3530);
       SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
       if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[19]) // Ammunation Willowfield Enter
       SetPlayerPos(playerid, 296.7698,-110.0871,1001.5156);
       SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 6);
       if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[20]) // Ammunation Willowfield Exit
       SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2400.6975,-1979.7654,13.5469);
       SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
	   if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[21]) // Ammunation Dialog Market
    	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Ammunation Menu", "Baseball Bat\t\t$100\nSawn-Off Shotgun\t$2000\nCombat Shotgun\t$1000\nM4\t\t\t$2000\nMP5\t\t\t$1500\nAK-47\t\t\t$1500\nSniper Rifle\t\t$1500\nTec-9\t\t\t$1000\nArmour\t\t\t$500", "Select", "Exit");//Show them the dialog.
       if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[22]) // Alhambra Enter
       SetPlayerPos(playerid, 493.3910,-22.7228,1000.6797);
       SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 17);
       if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[23]) // Alhambra Exit
       SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1834.2383,-1682.4645,13.4399);
       SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
also, there's no errors or loose indentations


yes a bump, i've been trying to fix this nonstop since i made the post.

it seems after id 20 that other checkpoints start to disappear.
when i had only 13 checkpoints, they all worked correctly, i never changed the way i added checkpoints, i never missed an id, everything compiles perfectly, the samp server console shows no errors either so as you can imagine, this is really frustrating.

what is also weird, id 20 shows up and doesn't work but then id 21 works perfectly.
i decided to skip the id's 20-29, so i made one checkpoint id 30 and the other one id 31.
id 31 was working, id 30 wasnt working at all and then id 14 stopped working also.

have i hit some sort of invisible limit? i don't quite get this, none of my other filterscripts use checkpoints so there cant be a conflicting script. hmm


new Checkpoint[24];
You defined it with number of MaxPlayers.

EDIT: Umm, I think that there can't be more then one CP for player, and more then one race CP for player.

well I just tried that, and 2 other checkpoints stopped working :/.

edit: may have forgotten something, gimme a sec

edit2: ok. added what i forgot but it made no difference. well i know theres a limit to 1 checkpoint per player, that's why im using incognito's streamer, so it can just stream in 1 at a time for me, i aint trying to show two at once.

bump. sorry, this is just irritating as i have spent 10+ hours trying to fix this :/

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