30.07.2014, 10:41
Последний раз редактировалось VinPure; 02.08.2014 в 09:05.
Now gamemode no finish and i will update more
-This is based on a regimen GameMode ton.Nhung what players need to do is found item and made to live ...
It is not complete and there are many ideas do with it. I will update the new version.
The History:
-After 72 hours of a disaster occurring virus in san andreas. You are one of the few who survived and were taken to area la.Noi fraught with danger here can kill you at any time.
You start with 1 shovel to miner. craft items and more. you can search food items to live. fabricated items for survival and more. weapon is very hard found.
-This map is very good for survival

-Backpack system [You spawn with 10slot and max backpack slot is 50 you can found]
-Item system[You can pickup and use it]
-Cuttree system[You get wood for Fire or Craft]
-Mining system[You can get Copper or iron to Craft]
-Campfire system[campfire for cooking]
-Bed system [Bedpack for sleep]
-Box system[Box use for save Item but now box can save some item i will update it]
-Shop System[Shop in safe zone /shop]
-Hunting Deer[Hunting deer for Meat and DeerSkin for craft skin]
-Fishing[you need fishing rob form craft to fish and random 10s-20s you will get item fish uncook]
-Zombie System[Zombie system use FCNPC 50Zombie no lag]
-Hunger system[use Playerprogress bar]
-Thirst sytem[use Playerprogressbar]
-EXP and Level System [use Playerprogressbar]
-Sleep system[use Playerprogressbar and use Bed to sleep]
-Custom Ammo system
-Vehicle system Vehicle need engine ,toolbox and gas to start.
-And More more.
Anti Cheat/hack
-Anti hack health[Report to admin]
-Anti hack weapon[Report to admin and banned]
-Anti hack skin.
-Will update more
-Databse use Y_ini to save :
+Save player char
+Save box
+Save Tree
+Save inventory
================================================== ===
-/craft to craft
-/craftskin to craft skin
-/addboxitem to additem to box
-/checkbox to check item in box
-/takeboxitem to take item in box
-/packbox to destory box
-/sleep to sleep in bed
-/packbed to close bedpack
-/killfire to kill campfire
-/stats to show stats
-/ggolbar chat
-/sshould chat
-/engine [on/off]
-/lights [on/off]
*Video and Pic

Mining Point:

Build Base:http://*********/JeOKPgpITto
****** |for Y_ini |Y_timers| sscanf2
Zeex |For Zcmd
Southclaw| for playerprogressbar
|Mionee| for tree

OrMisicL| For FCNPC
d0| for mSelection
Incognito|for streamer
Joe Staff |Inventory base
VinPure| Owner this gamemode
Setup and Install
Host name change in gamemode
filterscripts map |
plugins streamer sscanf FCNPC RouteConnectorPlugin |
Ingame :Rcon login yourpassword setup rcon in server.cfg
ChangeLog: Version 1.a : fix Command /resetdeer Version 1.2: +Add System Building base[Item :wall ,walldoor,gate] +Add Save/Load base system You can build and lock object only admin can unlock +Add cmd:/editbase to show dialog edit object /rangebase for admin /removebase foradmin remove object /createbase for admin create object /setpassgatebase for builder after lock /opengatebase to open gate base /closegatebase to close gate base +New Item: -Wall to create wall object need hammer to build -Walldoor to create wall object need hammer to build -gate1 to create gate object need hammer to build -gate2 to create gate object need hammer to build +Add 6 Car +Add new craft /craft2 +Add more skin craft /craftskin for male and famale[only deer has create can reset] Version 1.2.b: Renew Health system Anti Armor Hack Add CMD:createitem Fix Some bug playerprogress Fix some item hide |
-You can not remove Credits in gamemode.
Streamer 1.7.2
FCNPC for 0.3z-R2
from VietNam.