Whirpool Problem

Hey Guys , I Need Help With My Linux Server , All things Work Fine , but whirpool.so won't load

Failed (plugins/whirlpool.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
but Whirpool.so is in Plugins Folder and it is also written in my Server.cfg , what do i do ?

In your config make sure it has the capital letter.. It's case sensitive.

rename it to Whirlpool.so

Still Not Working , I Tried to Install Nativechecker and here it is

plugins/Whirlpool.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

I Found that i'm running a CentOs Linux 64 bit
I Need the Whirlpool.so CentOs 64 Plugin , Any Help ?

Use 32-bit plugin, for some reason 64-bit shows that error.

Never Mind , Fixed Anyways , I Downloaded a Cent OS 64-Bit Plugin and it worked

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