Please, can we stop this?

Alright, you may just go... "It's another attention seeker wanting more players for his server"

But, i think this is serious.

I've been speaking with many many SA-MP lovers, who have their own servers. Some of their servers have been rated some of the best scripts in SA-MP, but everyone is annoyed with the same fucking thing. People, no names, are just getting basic scripts, E.G LA-RP, released scripts, and are just fucking putting it into a fucking server.

THIS IS ANNOYING ME. Personally, i and alot of other players, have spent over 2000HOURS working on our servers, and we get nothing in return. It's like, people bringing back LA-RP and shit, getting 50 players and shit. WTF? Are you having a fucking laugh?

Look, i really think SA-MP needs a rule against released scripts being put on servers. There are scripts like Godfather, that people are just putting on a server, saying its the original creators, and getting 50 players. But then there are people that have spent thousands of hours on their scripts, who get 2-10 players.

Please, just sort it out. It's annoying me, and i know its annoying thousands of players out there.

I just didn't understand what you meant

Originally Posted by Jakku
I just didn't understand what you meant
My point is that SA-MP should stop allowing people to host plain scripts. It is annoying to people that have spent thousands of hours on their own. And people that have just tiny edited their scripts, should be shut down.

Originally Posted by Jakku
I just didn't understand what you meant
Then don't reply xD.

Well I do agree with you on some points. Alot of popular server use scripts which are ''basicly'' made from the same motherscript.

But did you only spended 2000 hours on servers to get peeps on your server? Alot of servers started with a low-rated script , but with high-rated members.

And I do believe that the succes of a server doesn't lie in the quality of the script. Instead it lies within the athmosphere inside the server , the type of admins and the hardcore faction leaders who play 24-7.

I understand your frustrations, but you can't fully blame released scripts the low-pop at your server( and alot of other servers ofcourse ).

I know what he means. When someone releases a good gamemode, nearly EVERYONE compiles the pawno and hosts it without changing anything except the name. It's really annoying when searching for a good RP server, and it's spammed with servers that simply use another release gamemode. I mean, when LA-RP got released, there were shitloads of LA-RP servers.

Originally Posted by Biofreeze
Originally Posted by Jakku
I just didn't understand what you meant
Then don't reply xD.

Well I do agree with you on some points. Alot of popular server use scripts which are ''basicly'' made from the same motherscript.

But did you only spended 2000 hours on servers to get peeps on your server? Alot of servers started with a low-rated script , but with a high-rated members.

And I do believe that the succes of a server doesn't lie in the quality of the script. Instead it lies within the athmosphere inside the server , the type of admins and the hardcore faction leaders who play 24-7.

I understand your frustrations, but you can't fully blame released scripts the low-pop at your server( and alot of other servers ofcourse ).
Look, i've been bottling my feelings about this forever. And its just reached tipping level. I'm fedup. I know what you mean, the atmosphere has to be great, but its not shit. I've been on servers that are literally unknown and they are amazing, the admins are great, but, its just these bastards stealing everything.

SA-MP is a free multiplayer game modification. People are free to make whatever they want and its really up to the people to decide if they want to play there or not.

Who is to say something isn't good overall, its a personal view. Make your script ideas original and get them out there, if people like original Godfather then let them have that.

This has been *sorted out*.

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