House System

Hi ,

I Face a Problem in my Server .. when i try to add filterscript to add houses its not working ..
i try many filterscirpts but no new .. some scripts says to go to scripts folder then copy the Places of House and put it in gamemode but its also not created .. can anyone solve this problem or give me a tested Filterscript and working 100% cuz i try many of this filterscripts to create house system but it doesnt work! Thanks !

You should insert FS in Main script.

Maybe adding script in the "filterscripts" folder? and Load on the configs?

its loaded and every thing .. but i just need a working and tested filterscript

Its not good to use filterscripts man, its better to implement them in your gamemode.

i know .. but i every time use filterscript to make houses they dont make anything to make them in the text file to add it to the gamemode

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