Question abouth RP Servers

Hello all,

i have bin registerd for some time on this forums all the time looking arround for some fun.. also starter sometimes a RP server for fun so now i have a question to all of you who are interested of reading this..

How would your Dream Roleplay server look like... and would it all be able to make...

At this moment we have a pretty script on our RP server (we got it from Ryan Shields if you know him)

It's just that almost every new server i see these day's wanna be NGRP whit there script.. (Srry for that )

I had some ideas of myself onley the problem here is we have onley 2 scripters and they are good onley not good engouf for my ideas...

Well i could keep on writing things down Onley my main question in this Topic would be

How would your Dream Roleplay server look like. Jobs/system/economy everything

Ps. sorry for my bad Grammer i'm not english. And if this question was asked already alot of times

In my own opinion, Now days, Everyone can script and copy from other servers, Which is being a lot in SA-MP Servers, I almost don't make difference between a RP Server and another, They looks all the same.
If you want your server to be perfect, Start by making new ideas, As Sirius and Lea did in past days ( scripters of West-Side ) which was one of the best servers, So, As I said, You'd better create new ideas, It doesn't matter if they are hard to script, Or easy, It just must be something new, Something which we didn't saw before.

Try the search feature, there are lots of threads about this already

Perhaps my thread may be useful to you:

Originally Posted by Mdarude
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I had some ideas of myself onley the problem here is we have onley 2 scripters and they are good onley not good engouf for my ideas...
How is this a problem? It's very wrong of you to call them "not good enough for your ideas". Have some respect for what they do.

Originally Posted by Mdarude
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I had some ideas of myself onley the problem here is we have onley 2 scripters and they are good onley not good engouf for my ideas...
Do you pay your scripters? If yes, you can judge them like that if not, they are giving up their time for you, in return you insult them?

Also, the thing I'd like the most, is that someone who makes this thread actually creates a server. It seems to me, correct me if I'm wrong but the majority of topics like this, the person behind the project soon gives up with it. It also seems a lot of these topics are attention based.

Well They said to me it would be to mutch for them as they are not Pro scripters...

and no i dont pay them we are a group of friends who wanna make a good and nice RP server we do it for fun and becouse we love the game.....

if they would use my ideas they would be bussy around 1 or 2 years ( just what they say to me)

Originally Posted by Mdarude
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Well They said to me it would be to mutch for them as they are not Pro scripters...

and no i dont pay them we are a group of friends who wanna make a good and nice RP server we do it for fun and becouse we love the game.....

if they would use my ideas they would be bussy around 1 or 2 years ( just what they say to me)
So instead of saying that they're not as good as you need them to be, you could say something half motivating instead of insulting them.

Well this is getting of Topic.. I onley say what they say to me.... it's not insulting them. it's called Reality.

Well to be honest if their grammar is just like yours I'd suggest you not really bother with it. Unless it's one of those "Light RP" servers.

My dream roleplay server (I already found it)

Stable economy
Money isn't anything
Roleplay takes priority rather than money
You can have fun with 0 money.
Everyone can RP to a high standard and can speak english of a high standard.
No one has subpar RP level.

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