Car reflection/color awful-bug fix.

Well, I know that this bug is common but the question remains as "How can we all fix it?"
Like how can SAMP developers fix it?

This can describe it well, It's kinda odd and unusual and been turning up for me since I started to play SAMP(2011).

People suggest running gta_sa.exe as Administrator, but it's not working.
I know, /NONE/ have the answer but I've kinda studied the whole situation and got into some results that may help developers into fixing this bug.

So the result that I got into is that Premier and Sultan NEVER get this bug, whatever server I go to, IT NEVER TURN DARK and it never loose it reflection, unlikely Sadler that looses it reflection and get the bug 24/24, it never possessed good reflections, it's ALWAYS DARK.

So the possible way for developers to fix it is to apply Premier's reflection on all the vehicles and I'm pretty sure that it'll succeed.

I also heard that SAMP generates his OWN vehicle.txd, is that right?

You could look up some .imgs or .asi's for alternatives.

Uranus/Sadler/Sandking/SuperGT and some other cars doesn't have specular highlight by SA, aka its a SA bug, not samp. you can ****** for specular highlight fixed car mods to fix it.

use the ENB series like all other 1m players

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