14.06.2009, 11:46
Hey, I create a command to save coordinates for a player, but I got bad coordinates. This is the code:
Then if a player save the coordinates, its just save bad: Playerx=1152861123 Playery=-993133540 Playerz=1096859648
How I can save a good coordinates like 1473.57 ? Because if a player spawn with these coordinates the server be crazy and crash...
Thanks for all, and sorry for my bad english, I speak spanish.
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); new posint = GetPlayerInterior(playerid); PlayerInfo[playerid][playerx] = x; PlayerInfo[playerid][playery] = y; PlayerInfo[playerid][playerz] = z; PlayerInfo[playerid][playerint] = posint;
How I can save a good coordinates like 1473.57 ? Because if a player spawn with these coordinates the server be crazy and crash...
Thanks for all, and sorry for my bad english, I speak spanish.