[Include] Recreational Mathematics and String Add-On Library

Add - On Library

This is an add-on library include for pawn coding, I have seen that pawn lacks few string and recreational mathematical library functions, which may or may not be important ,but as per my way of thinking, they are a bit important.
This include is just an add-on, if you are using other string libraries (westie's, oscar broman) instead of pawn's default/user or sa-mp team created library, I would like to suggest you to use this add-on along with them/it, as this add-on gives scripters freedom of various string manipulating and recreational mathematical functions, this include is mainly for string manipulation. If you have any suggestions ,please post in this thread.
Important: v1.2 Update, please go through the functions list once again.

Function Lists:

ToPalindrome(input[]): Converts a string to a palindrome string.

IsPalindrome(input[]): Checks whether a string is palindrome or not.

IsArmstrong(value): Recreational mathematical function.Useful for reaction tests. Checks whether the number is armstrong or not.WikipediaReturns boolean type.

IsNeon(value):Checks for Neon number example: 9 (is a neon number) = 9*9=81 , 8+1=9. These type of numbers are known as neon numbers.Returns boolean type.

IsPerfect(value) : WikipediaReturns boolean type.

IsEvenOrOdd(value): Checks if the number given is even or odd.Returns boolean type.

IsPrime(value): Checks for prime numbers.Returns boolean type.

IsMagic(value): Magic number example: 55 (is a magic number) = 5+5=10, 1+0=1.
289(is a magic number) = 2+8+9=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1
Returns boolean type.

MaxDigit(value): Returns the maximum digit present in a sequence of a number. Example: 46789 ,Max=9
Returns boolean type.

MinDigit(value): Returns the minimum digit present in a sequence of a number. Example: 46789 ,Min=4

FirstIndexOf(string[],character[]): Returns the first index of a character present in a string.

LastIndexOf(string[],character[]): Returns the last index of a character present in a string.

Truncate(Float:value): Removes the fractional part of a floating data type. Example: 5.98 ,Return 5

IsSpace(character[]): Checks whether a character is a space or not.Returns boolean type.

IsUnderscore(character[]): Checks whether a character is an underscore or not.Returns boolean type.

IsDigit(character[]): Checks whether a character is a digit or not.Returns boolean type.

IsLetter(character[]): Checks whether a character is a letter or not.Returns boolean type.

IsUpperCase(character[]): Checks whether a character is an uppercase letter or not.Returns boolean type.

IsLowerCase(character[]): Checks whether a character is an lowercase letter or not.Returns boolean type.

Reverse(string[]): Reverses a given string.

Compare(string1[],string2[]): Compare lengths of two strings

Retrurns 0 If both string's length are same.
Returns 1 If length of string1 is greater than string2
Returns -1 If length of string2 is greater than string1

CharAt(string[],index): Returns a character present in the given index of a string.

ReplaceChar(string[],character[],replacewith[]): Replace a character in a given string.

Example: ReplaceChar("codectile","c","z");
Output: "zodeztile"

IsSpecial(character[]): Returns 1 if a character is neither a digit or a letter.Returns boolean type.

Substring(string[],firstindex,lastindex): Substrings the string.

Example: Substring("codectile",2,5)
Returns "dect"

Concat(string1[],string2[]): Concatenates two strings.

Example: Concat("codec","tile");
Returns: "codectile"

ExtStr(string[]): Extract string type characters

Example: ExtStr("c874o10d74e1c9t0i14l98e");
Returns : "codectile"

Frequency(string[],character[]): Returns the frequency of a character present in a string.

Example: Frequency("codectile","c");
Returns: 2

Equals(string1[],string2[]): Checks whether two strings are similar or not.Note: Case Sensitive

Example: Equals("codec","tile");
Returns: false

Example: Equals("codectile","codectile");
Returns: true

DigitFreq(value,digit): Returns the frequency of a digit in a sequence of numbers

Example: Digit(46667,6);
Returns: 3

ToPositive(Float:value): Converts a negative integer to a positive integer.

ToNegitive(Float:value): Converts a positive integer to a negative integer.


Mediafire v1.2 Update
SolidFiles v1.2 Update


Y_Less : For suggesting functions name for MaxDigit/MinDigit

Sa-Mp Team: For samp client.

And God : For world.

Nice One. I will add it to my test Gamemode. Keep it up man. Good Luck.

Substring function added and made some of the functions more accurate and precise.

Version 1.1.

For CharAt it's useless, just do String[Index] ... Imagine doing CharAt in a loop, will make your code so inefficient.

You can also do:

#define CharAt(%0,%1) ((%1 < 0 || %1 > sizeof(%0)) ? '\0' : %0[%1])
#define CharAt_(%0,%1) CharAt(%0,%1 - 1) // To start at an index of 1.

A lot of other functions can be turned into definition 'macros' as well for efficiency reasons.
This is useful regardless but you can improve it.

Sorry for criticism, I notice you just joined, please look-up the user Y_Less, he has a lot of good tutorials you can follow and read apon.

Pastebin your work too, please.

@SkittlesAreFalling: Give me some time to learn macro defining, I am not too familiar with C++/C coding.

@Kar: Why pastebin ? , if you can directly download the add-on library and include it in your script.

Originally Posted by codectile
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@SkittlesAreFalling: Give me some time to learn macro defining, I am not too familiar with C++/C coding.

@Kar: Why pastebin ? , if you can directly download the add-on library and include it in your script.
Yes, Pastebin it. It's easy-to-browse.

I will, next time for next version maybe.

Version 1.2 Updated.

I still see no pastebin

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