Help me to understand

Hello, i have a problem. I want to learn everything of MySQL, how to write properly MySQL functions in PAWN code and I can't even understand why R6, R7, R39-2 is totally different? Other people say that I must forget R7 because itout dated, but why is better R39-2 of R6. And if I use R6 it will be good or not?

Here bro :-

Thank you. Also, maybe someone can help for me with 39-2, because I can't find anything of it.

Always the latest versions of something is the best option as it has bug fixes, improvements and many more. R6 uses non-threaded queries which is bad and you should really consider using threaded queries and the latest version.

All you need for R33+ can be found to the wiki page:
And also an example script:

And what abour R7, what is it? R7 is the same as 39-2 or no?

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