Player on my server has lag and problems playing

So the problem is that the player lags on the server and he gets the message "sping -1" when he spawns, what causes this? How can this be solved?

His ping is +- 350

Thanks in advance!

Can be anything the file saying system or what maybe the location etc, we don't no.

Maybe its because he has some many mods installed (assuming that is a screenshot of his game, and not yours)

Oke thanks, I'm going to tell him to delete some mods

He has mods I guess, or maybe his internet connection.

This actually has nothing server-side, only client side, his computer is a toaster, or a toaster with too much mods.

Be sure that you are using the best samp hosting. Because if your samp files are infected then the other would get lag.

If all the players have this problem, then it is from the server. IF only one player, then it is from his Game Directory. Check type of mods he have.

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