[FilterScript] Anti CrouchBug (C-Bug) + Video

I challenged myself to make an anti c-bug system, and I came up with this script.

It detects these C-Bug method(s):
<> Aim, shoot, release aim + crouch [popular method]
<> While holding JUMP+SPRINT, you shoot and press C [never saw this before]

Doesn't detect this method (a slow one):
<> Crouch, aim, shoot, crouch, aim, shoot, repeat. [newbie cbuggers use this, this is not much a problem because it still shoots slow]

What weapon it detects?
>> Whatever you can CBug with, because I myself, tend to c-bug after using done shooting with any weapon I use.

Any false positives, yet?
>> By my experience, I haven't had any yet.

Not like other scripts, this one only have 66 lines.
I don't know if this is better than others, I am just trying another method I came up with.

pawn Code:
    anti crouch bug
        by greentarch

#include < a_samp >

    gLastShot[ MAX_PLAYERS ];
#define HOLDING(%0) \
    ((newkeys & (%0)) == (%0))
public OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
    return gLastShot[ playerid ] = -1;
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange( playerid, newkeys, oldkeys )  
    if ( ( tickcount( ) - gLastShot[ playerid ] ) < 750 )
                Float: pPos[ 3 ];
            GetPlayerPos( playerid, pPos[ 0 ], pPos[ 1 ], pPos[ 2 ] );
            SetPlayerPos( playerid, pPos[ 0 ], pPos[ 1 ], pPos[ 2 ] + 10.0 );
            GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~r~Stop crouch bugging!", 1000, 3 );
            gLastShot[ playerid ] = -1;
            return 1;
        if ( newkeys & KEY_CROUCH )
            SetTimerEx( "__check", 200, false, "i", playerid );
    return 1;

forward __check( playerid );
public __check( playerid )
    if ( GetPlayerSpecialAction( playerid ) == SPECIAL_ACTION_DUCK )
        return 1;
        Float: pPos[ 3 ];
    GetPlayerPos( playerid, pPos[ 0 ], pPos[ 1 ], pPos[ 2 ] );
    SetPlayerPos( playerid, pPos[ 0 ], pPos[ 1 ], pPos[ 2 ] + 10.0 );
    GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~r~Stop crouch bugging!", 1000, 3 );
    gLastShot[ playerid ] = -1;

    return 1;

public OnPlayerWeaponShot( playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float: fX, Float: fY, Float: fZ )
    gLastShot[ playerid ] = tickcount( );
    return 1;
Slaps you high in the air if you C-Bug as a punishment, you can change it to whatever you like.

If you find a bug/mistakes, please reply and tell me.
I will try my best to repair/fix it.

Nice job, haven't been able to test but looks good!

Looks good

Looks good but need to try yet, very nice


In case you use this other method you said, how do I detect it?

Doesn't detect this method (a slow one):
<> Crouch, aim, shoot, crouch, aim, shoot, repeat. [newbie cbuggers use this, this is not much a problem because it still shoots slow]
Sorry my bad english

Originally Posted by Caio_Freeze
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In case you use this other method you said, how do I detect it?

Doesn't detect this method (a slow one):
<> Crouch, aim, shoot, crouch, aim, shoot, repeat. [newbie cbuggers use this, this is not much a problem because it still shoots slow]
Sorry my bad english
I've tried my best, yes, it is detected, but gives some false-detectives.
I will try again.

Originally Posted by greentarch
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I've tried my best, yes, it is detected, but gives some false-detectives.
I will try again.
Ok, I'll be waiting thank you sorry for my bad english

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