[FilterScript] Realistic damage and Force systems (0.3z)

Well, for starters, this is a realistic damage system, which in turn brings a power system. Both created to be used in roleplay servers. By the way, please excuse my poor use of English, I'm from Argentina is not handling the language too well.

With regard to power, did a command to give it and another to see the strength of each, the only way to get it is through the command I did, but you can create a system that gives strength to do a certain thing, I a own gamemode that the power had been obtained by the gym, but not applied to filterscript to do so extensive code.

Physical damage, vary by weapon used, can be a knife or a gun, with the theme of white arms, the damage will vary depending on the strength of the aggressor and the area in which the impact occurs, for example, hitting with a bat in the head and the aggressor is very strong, great damage will occur. The only knife that kills one impact is the katana, and only when it occurs in the head, regardless of the strength of the aggressor. Going to the issue of firearms, which will vary and the weapon used in the body in which the shot is made, it will be also an instant red textdraw to get shot, simulating the effect of impact. With a head shot of any firearm, instant death occurs.

When it hits the butt of a firearm by approach ('butt') injury varying the aggressor will occur, like a knife.

The system is clearly acclimated for a roleplay, if you use what power would have to (expediently) place the variable inside the enum Power where player information is stored, and then include that variable in the stored data, so that power locks. Thanks to this new of sync ("anti-lag shoot"), the system can be even more realistic. Another very important thing if you have an anti-health hack, would have to use its role of developing life (if they have it, usually SetPlayerHealth variable life and Statistics, which is assigned to them and applies to both the same value) or assign SetPlayerHealth down updating the player variable life, and well, obviously the saving of life, which all have roleplay.


DeadSkyTkb (idea, code)
CaptainMacTavish (some code base)

force system = power system? Power by punching you tryied to say?


I found it interesting, I will create something on top of it ..

Good work DeadSkyTkb

Thanks you.

Like I said, not handling the language very well, which is why I used the word "force", but apparently it is not the most appropriate term. What would be the most appropriate term? strength? power? force?

I'm from Brazil, I think the more appropriate term is "power" ...

Sorry for bad english hehehehehehe

Okay, textual errors corrected.

I'd say strength is the correct term in this context

Good release, worth noting would be that it sets everybody to the same team, so if you have any code in your mode that is controlled by players being on a specific team (they're all set to team 1) then this will likely mess it up.

Yes, it is adapted to roleplay servers generally do not use the function SetPlayerTeam, and I need to use it for it to work well.

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