09.06.2009, 23:32
I want make counting killing and tell in game in type (sendclientmessage).
now I have been using:
In Start Code
In OnPlayerCommandsText
In OnPlayerDeath
Help me please.. make scoring, i do not know as make these functions..
P:S and if I do not rightly begun to do the code - remake please..

now I have been using:
In Start Code
pawn Код:
new oke[MAX_PlAYERS]
pawn Код:
if(blabla(cmdtext, "/cmd", true,4))
oke[playerid] = 1;
return 1;
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
if(oke[killerid] == 1 && oke[playerid] == 1)
// What to write here? help me please.. I do not know as make function..
return 1;
P:S and if I do not rightly begun to do the code - remake please..