
I have food system that is taking every minute 1 % of food and textdraw to show how many % you have...
Now when i am the only player in the server all works fine, but when there are multiple players then it dont show player HIS hunger, but somone elses... i think that is showing the last players hunger to everyone(player with the highest ID)
Here is the script:
forward TimerMin(); //This is a 1 minute timer...
public TimerMin()
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i))
	    if(pInfo[i][Hunger] >= 1) // If player have more than 1% of hunger.
			pInfo[i][Hunger] --;
			new hranastr[124];
			format(hranastr, sizeof(hranastr), "Hrana:  %i %", pInfo[i][Hunger]);  // Textdraw for display % of hunger.
			TextDrawSetString(hrana, hranastr);
			TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, hrana);
			if(pInfo[i][Hunger] == 1)
				SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Lačni ste. Morate jesti!"); // Warns the player if he have 1% of hunger.
		else if(pInfo[i][Hunger] == 0) // If player have 0% of hunger...
		    new Float:health;
			SetPlayerHealth(i, health - 9); // Take 9 players health...
    return 1;

Try using playerid instead of i(MAX_PLAYERS) ?

You need to assign the textdraw to a player id.

pawn Код:
new Text:welcomeText[MAX_PLAYERS];
And instead of creating it under OnGameModeInit, you create it under OnPlayerConnect, like:
pawn Код:
welcomeText[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(240.0,580.0,"Welcome to my SA-MP server");
Then from there, instead of using just "welcomeText", you would use "welcomeText[playerid]".

Thanks that works...

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