Looping in a dialog

Hey guys,i got a system ,families system,just simple one like GF's one,i want to make it in a dialog and shows the name of the family,my question is:
How can i list in the dialog the families that are owned?like only if a family is owned it gets listed,how should my ShowPlayerDialog be...please help
for checking if family is used,i use fTaken
pawn Код:
if(fInfo[familyid][fTaken] == 1) // it's taken

Well, use "strcat" (or "format") : take the name of the family and put it inside a "large" string.

Then, when your loop is over, simply use "ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, DIALOG_STYLE_ASYOUWANT, "Owned families", your_large_string, "Ok", "");"

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