17.06.2014, 10:32
Anyone know this problem ?
When player after insert password at Login screen.
It cannot spawn the player.
But when from stock firstPlayerSpawn from Register screen.
It can spawn . . .
This my script. . .
This Login screen script. . .
I'm using MYSQL database. . .
Anyone can help this problem ? ? ?
When player after insert password at Login screen.
It cannot spawn the player.
But when from stock firstPlayerSpawn from Register screen.
It can spawn . . .
This my script. . .
pawn Код:
public OnQueryFinish(query[], resultid, extraid, connectionHandle) {
new result[256];
switch(resultid) {
if(mysql_num_rows() == 0) { // INCORRECT PASSWORD!1
SetPVarInt(extraid, "WP", GetPVarInt(extraid, "WP") + 1);
if(GetPVarInt(extraid, "WP") > 3) {
SendClientMessage(extraid, COLOR_GREY, "Auto Kick. Reason: Wrong insert password");
else {
ShowPlayerDialog(extraid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "SERVER: Login", "Wrong password.\n\nYour account has been registered, Please enter your password!", "Login", "Cancel");
else {
DeletePVar(extraid, "WP");
mysql_get_field("playerID", result);
PlayerInfo[extraid][pID] = strval(result);
mysql_get_field("playerLevel", result);
PlayerInfo[extraid][pLevel] = strval(result);
mysql_get_field("playerMoney", result);
PlayerInfo[extraid][pCash] = strval(result);
mysql_get_field("playerHealth", result);
PlayerInfo[extraid][pHealth] = floatstr(result);
mysql_get_field("playerArmor", result);
PlayerInfo[extraid][pArmor] = floatstr(result);
mysql_get_field("playerPosX", result);
PlayerInfo[extraid][pPos][0] = floatstr(result);
mysql_get_field("playerPosY", result);
PlayerInfo[extraid][pPos][1] = floatstr(result);
mysql_get_field("playerPosZ", result);
PlayerInfo[extraid][pPos][2] = floatstr(result);
mysql_get_field("playerPosAngle", result);
PlayerInfo[extraid][pPos][3] = floatstr(result);
PlayerInfo[extraid][pLogin] = 1;
if(PlayerInfo[extraid][pRegister] == 0)
ShowPlayerDialog(extraid, TUT, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Gender Your char ?", "Male\nFemale", "Choose", "Exit");
return 1;
SetSpawnInfo(extraid, 0, PlayerInfo[extraid][pSkin], PlayerInfo[extraid][pPos][0], PlayerInfo[extraid][pPos][1], PlayerInfo[extraid][pPos][2], PlayerInfo[extraid][pPos][3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
SetPlayerScore(extraid, PlayerInfo[extraid][pLevel]);
GivePlayerMoney(extraid, PlayerInfo[extraid][pCash]);
SetPlayerHealth(extraid, PlayerInfo[extraid][pHealth]);
SetPlayerArmour(extraid, PlayerInfo[extraid][pArmor]);
return 1;
pawn Код:
if(dialogid == DIALOG_LOGIN) {
if(!response) return Kick(playerid);
if(response) {
new escapedPassword[129], szPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], querySz[300];
GetPlayerName(playerid, szPlayerName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
WP_Hash(escapedPassword, sizeof(escapedPassword), inputtext);
format(querySz, sizeof(querySz), "SELECT * FROM `playerdata` WHERE `playerName` = '%s' AND `playerPassword` = '%s'", szPlayerName, escapedPassword);
mysql_query(querySz, THREAD_CHECK_CREDENTIALS, playerid);
Anyone can help this problem ? ? ?