Buying iPhone, new PC config or playstation 4 ?


I have almost Ђ600 to spend.

I'm asking myself about the way I'll spend them.
For the one who'll tell me to save them to get driving lessons, my parents have already kept some money to it.

So I'm 16 now, if the age might change something, I tell you.

I hesitate between the iPhone 5S, a powerful PC config (don't tell me it's impossible with Ђ600, it is) or buying a playstation 4. I have arguments for each of them :

• iPhone :
- Positive args : I need a new phone, iOS is virus-free, I'll have the constructor vouch for about 2 years
- Negative args : Ђ500-Ђ600 for a phone hurts a little bit, the only way to "expand" iOS possibilities is the jailbreak and it blows up Apple vouch

• PC config :
- Positive args : I need a new one (my computer actually doesn't run either The Sims 3 or Fifa 13), I can get a more or less powerful one with those components (it's a little bit more than Ђ600 but my parents won't complain about adding Ђ50 )

- Negative args : I don't mind if it will be good to buy a computer as I plan using less the computer

• Playstation
- Positive args : All the teenagers have one, the station itself isn't so much expensive, graphics are pretty good
- Negative args : Games are expensive, PSN isn't free anymore.

That's all I had to say.
If someone can advice me, it will be kind.

pc master race

I'd say PC, and if you need a new phone why not buy a cheaper one with android? iPhone is just overpriced next to some decent android phones, and as you said "iOS is virus-free", if you use android smartly it'll be virus free too.

PS4 or PC...

@Jansish : Okay

@Blast3r : Cause I completely disagree about ****** and my personal data (I know it's a bit paranoiac or something, because it's a huge company and it doesn't care about the information of ONE particular citizen) and if I had to give personal data to a company, it will be Apple rather than ******.

@adri1 : Okay

Definitely the PC.

Get a better PC first, you might need it later on school or even just to play. iPhone is just "a phone" to be honest, you won't need it that much you can just buy a cheaper phone and have a better PC.

About the PS4 - Don't go for it, no matter how cool it looks, after 3-4 years it'll get you bored from it and probably you will want to break it.

Okay for all, I think my choice will be the PC for now, I'll wait until tonight (in 4 hours GMT + 1, summer timezone) and will take my decision with your advices and opinions.

A really good phone to get is the Moto G 4G, trust me it's the best bang for buck around Ј150, it's on the same level as any other android and it just works.

With the money left buy a PC.

Originally Posted by Khanz
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A really good phone to get is the Moto G 4G, trust me it's the best bang for buck around Ј150, it's on the same level as any other android and it just works.

With the money left buy a PC.
I dont recommend that phone.

If he feel to need a better pc, then buy one, but its wont be as powerfull as you think. He have to see that for 600, PC are very cheap and later he will need to upgrade again for meet atleast the minimum req of the games or smash the PC for feel that its did slow down by the time. Which is for me look like repitition "buy, upgrade....." and its getting expensive. Also very annoying.

Author first ask yourself of what you want for your need and prefer.

For Game, as i see your price is limited so PS4 would be best choice for low cost, long time, performance and play ALL games with awesomes graphics. http://*********/y1Rx-Bbht5E (worth the watch, you will love)

If your not gamer, do randoms things and just play games when boring then PC is for you.

If your alway in School, trip or rarely at home, a phone is the best choice.

Here my opinion, haters gonna hates but i dont ask them to reply.


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