Kicking for no Reason.

Hello everyone, that past 3 days I am experiencing an annoying problem. When a player join the server, he get immediately kick. This start happening when I update my Server (not SA-MP Server Version) but I haven't changed anything on OnPlayerConnect (Only few improvements in my SQLite Querys).

The only think that Server Log gives me is

pawn Код:
[join] NickName has joined the server (7:IP)
[part] NickName has left the server (7:2)
What's that 7 reason there?

NOTE: This is not happening every time.

The '7' is his player id. This says:
Example, I am 'Threshold' (Player ID 5). The second number represents the 'reason' that the player has disconnected.
0 = timeout/crash
1 = leaving/quit
2 = kicked/banned

Just like OnPlayerDisconnect..

[part] Threshold has left the server (5:2)

I haven't really done much testing around incorrect client versions, but it could either be that they have the wrong version (You could try using GetPlayerVersion under OnPlayerConnect and printing the results to see if anything is picked up). Either that or you should double-check for any code that may not be functioning properly in OnPlayerConnect.

Ah, i feel dumb now, anyway, I don't think that Version have nothing to do as far as this problem started after the "Update". I did check for any kind of wrong functioning in OnPlayerConnect, but I haven't changed anything (Only improvements in my SQLite Querys).

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