[FilterScript] Explosive bullets!

Explosive Bullets by TiMoN


What is this?
This filterscript allows you to purchase explosive bullets for your weapons, however, not all weapons are supposed. Those unsupported ones are:
All melees.
All types of grenades.
Flamethrower, RPGs, minigun(I know it shoots bullets, but it becomes very OP and causes major lag and script delay).

How do I buy these explosive bullets?
You can type "/explosivebullets" in the chat and you'll get a checkpoint to the Market Ammunation, go inside and enter the explosive barrel pickup, choose your bullet type. Explosive ones cost $2500 and normal ones cost $500.

How much damage do these do?
Didn't measure, but I'm pretty sure that a direct hit can kill a player without armor and heavily damage any vehicle.

Download link?
Click me

Future plans?(Might not happen, I created this for fun)
  • Fix all bugs.
  • Limit players to purchasing explosive bullets for each weapon.
  • Limit players to purchasing a limited amount of explosive bullets.
SA-MP scripting team - Creation of SA-MP.
Rockstar Games - GTA San Andreas.
SA-MP Wiki - A really helpful tool for all scripters.
iPLEOmax - His textdraw editor helped me create the two textdraws.
Me - Scripting and creation of the filterscript.

Now this is something new! I'll check it out.

This is epic. REP+

I love it

Wow nice.

Nice ! Unique !

havent really checked the script but are you using (1)onplayergivedamage with createexplosives ? or (2)frontvector ? or both cuss (1) supports only when you hit the players but not the stuffs such as vehicles(player is not entered) while (2) required complex coding.. :3 but if you combine them then it would be awesome

although by reading your post, i guess you only created createexplosives, no ? remember if you are planning for specific damage then make sure to setplayerteam so you wont get false reading with onplayertakedamage :3 (just suggesting)

Originally Posted by verlaj
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havent really checked the script but are you using (1)onplayergivedamage with createexplosives ? or (2)frontvector ? or both cuss (1) supports only when you hit the players but not the stuffs such as vehicles(player is not entered) while (2) required complex coding.. :3 but if you combine them then it would be awesome

although by reading your post, i guess you only created createexplosives, no ? remember if you are planning for specific damage then make sure to setplayerteam so you wont get false reading with onplayertakedamage :3 (just suggesting)
I used OnPlayerWeaponShot and used CreateExplosion at the shot's hit X/Y/Z, your suggestion is somehow impossible(in my point of view) as the player can still take splash damage from the explosion even if he's on the same team as the shooter. Unless I make it that it cancels the explosion if the teammate is in a predefined radius near the shot.

Thanks everyone for your feedback!

New in market, gotta try it out

Lol. Nice xD Good Job bro

Could be used in stunt servers, But for TDM would be very OP


Nice include, can you give me the animation when the player dies ? please

Originally Posted by Salim_Karaja
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Nice include, can you give me the animation when the player dies ? please
It's a ped.ifp mod, can't remember the name, sorry.

Wow good job i wanna check it out!!

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