Boring DDOS [ Need Solution ]

Hi all,

i am here beacause i am so bored.

few weeks ago, i was the target of ddos attack.

I took, and good host, with Abord anti DDOS.

But still the same.

Some one is simulate connection to make the server crash from internet, impossible to get infiormation about it, connect ...

I spoke with my host who tell me, UDP protocol is hard to protect. He can block packet, but peaople who don't attack can't connect to. No one could connect.

So i ask you, What can i do?

Sorry for my poor english


I don't think so there is a solution for it :/

Maybe you can let your IP be changed?

Originally Posted by JasperM
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Maybe you can let your IP be changed?
But the attacker can find it easily by opening a web browser and typing his website, then I thing you need to change server IP and website domain.

Already did.

He just swith to the new ip.

Maybe SAMP security breach


Use a SAMP hoster that has a good security against DDoS?

You doesn't read my post i thing

I use ""


You must take a host with ddos protection.

Block the attacker ip your host must have his ip

UDP Packets are hard to actually block, yes. But it can be done with custom settings and it can be done to be almost perfect to prevent about 99% of the attacker traffic while accepting legitment traffic. It's not easy because if somebody uses a botnet, they can use just one IP and you need to filter out if it's a legitment user or not.

Normally after it's blocking about 99% of it, the other 1% can be handled by the server itself and maintain stability.

But settings and filtering can be done, and if your host can't handle that, than you got a problem and need to find another host.

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